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Jump to navigationJump to searchThis program is designed to run BASIC code from ECL/TCL.
! ** Run BASIC code from TCL (command line) ** (C) Copyright 1985-2007, Advantos Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ! ** Last Modified: 12 Jan 2006, wph ** First Created: 25 Feb 2001, wph ** Program Type-: Utility ! ** Notes: ** ** This process simply builds a BASIC program from the command line, ** compiles it, runs it, decatalogs it, then deletes it. Multiple ** lines can be created at 'TCL' by separating them with a ';'. ** ** This program will parse out each line and create it as a separate ** line in the temporary program. Of course, a ';' can be part of ** a quoted string but cannot be part of a comment. ** ** It's always a good idea to use 'END' statements, e.g. ** ** :BPTEST PROMPT '' ; C.BCK = @(-9) ; TEST = "NOW IS THE TIME" ; ANS = '' ; ** LOOP UNTIL ANS = 'X' DO ; ECHO OFF ; INPUT ANS,1 : ; ECHO ON ; IF ANS ** NE "<" THEN CRT ANS : ELSE CRT C.BCK : ; REPEAT ; END ** **-------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N ** ** ** **-------------------------------------------------------------------** * ** Initialize local variables *$OPTIONS EXT ; ** D3 version NULL$ = '' SP1 = ' ' aList = 0 ; ** is a list active? ** set unique key for bp item [[BpId]] = '[[BpTest_]]' : SYSTEM(12) : SYSTEM(16) ** parse tcl sentence to get BASIC commands [[TclLine]] = @SENTENCE ; ** UD version *[[TclLine]] = @COMMAND ; ** UV version *TCLREAD [[TclLine]] ; ** D3 version [[TclLine]] = [[TclLine]][7,9999] ; ** remove the command HELP.CMD = FIELD(TRIM([[TclLine]]), ' ', 1) IF HELP.CMD = '?' THEN GOTO DISPLAY.HELP ** Open File(s)f FName = 'SAVEDLISTS' ; ** U2 version *FName = 'DTATEMP' ; ** D3 version OPEN '', FName TO [[BpTemp]].fv ELSE STOP 201, FName * **-------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** S T A R T P R O G R A M R U N ** ** ** **-------------------------------------------------------------------** * ** save any active list to get later IF SYSTEM(11) THEN aList = 1 EXECUTE \SAVE-LIST \ : [[BpId]] CAPTURING Output END ** convert program to separate lines [[QuoteStr]] = '"\' : "'" ; ** list of quote characters [[InQuotes]] = NULL$ ; ** we're not in a quote section yet [[InFunction]] = NULL$ ; ** we're not in a function section [[OrigProg]] = [[TclLine]] [[NewProg]] = NULL$ xHigh = LEN([[OrigProg]]) ** parse through looking for separate lines of code FOR X = 1 TO xHigh [[TestChar]] = [[OrigProg]][X,1] IF INDEX([[QuoteStr]], [[TestChar]], 1) THEN IF [[InQuotes]] = NULL$ THEN [[InQuotes]] = [[TestChar]] END ELSE IF [[InQuotes]] = [[TestChar]] THEN [[InQuotes]] = NULL$ END END ELSE IF [[TestChar]] = '(' THEN IF [[InFunction]] = NULL$ THEN [[InFunction]] = [[TestChar]] END IF [[TestChar]] = ')' THEN IF [[InFunction]] NE NULL$ THEN [[InFunction]] = NULL$ END END IF [[TestChar]] = ';' THEN IF [[InQuotes]] = NULL$ AND [[InFunction]] = NULL$ THEN [[TestChar]] = @AM END [[NewProg]] := [[TestChar]] NEXT X ** start program run WRITE [[NewProg]] ON [[BpTemp]].fv, [[BpId]] EXECUTE \COMPILE \ : FName : SP1 : [[BpId]] RETURNING [[ErrNo]] IF [[ErrNo]] NE 0 THEN ; ** U2 version *IF [[ErrNo]] = 241 THEN ; ** D3 version IF aList THEN EXECUTE \GET-LIST \ : [[BpId]] CAPTURING Output END EXECUTE \RUN \ : FName : SP1 : [[BpId]] EXECUTE \DELETE \ : FName : SP1 : '_' : [[BpId]] CAPTURING Output ; ** UD version * EXECUTE \DELETE \ : FName : '.O' : [[BpId]] CAPTURING Output ; ** UV version * EXECUTE \DECATALOG \ : FName : SP1 : [[BpId]] CAPTURING Output ; ** D3 version END EXECUTE \DELETE \ : FName : SP1 : [[BpId]] CAPTURING Output * GOTO END.OF.PROGRAM * **----------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** S U B R O U T I N E S ** ** ** **----------------------------------------------------------------** * ** Help display *************** DISPLAY.HELP: *************** * CRT CRT 'Utility to execute BASIC code. This is a simple way to run BASIC' CRT 'code. If you want to run multiple lines, simply separate lines of' CRT 'code with ";", which is the same as you would do in a program' CRT CRT "Syntax:" CRT " BPTEST {BASIC command(s)}" CRT CRT "Example:" CRT " BPTEST EXECUTE \TERM\ CAPTURING OUTPUT; CRT OUTPUT" CRT CRT "^ terminal name: [[ActIbmpc]].c1^ product name: [[AccuTerm]] IBM PC Color" CRT "^ terminal width: 80 printer width: 146^ depth: " CRT "25 depth: 61^ lineskip: 0^ lf delay: 1^ ff " CRT "delay: 1^ back space: 8^" CRT STOP * **----------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** E N D O F P R O G R A M ** ** ** **----------------------------------------------------------------** * *************** END.OF.PROGRAM: *************** * END