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This is a QM-only utility to display information about compiled code. It can display the header information and the flags set in the header.
It can also show the local and common variables used, the line concordance, and a dump of the code using decimal or hexadecimal output, but these are not accurate if the DEBUGGING compile option was used.
It can also be used to display the opcodes QM uses (as at version 2.6).
program chead * * To investigate QMBASIC object code. Version 1.0 * copyright = 'Copyright Keith Robert Johnson 2008' *v This data is from the open source OPCODES.H - Version 2.6 * Simple opcodes opcodes = "STOP]ABORT]RETURN]JMP]JPO]JPZ]JNG]JZE" opcodes := "]JNZ]]GOSUB]RETURNTO]CALL]ONGOTO]ONGOSUB]RUN" opcodes := "]LDSINT]LDLINT]LDSTR]LDNULL]LDLCL]LDCOM]STOR]POP" opcodes := "]DUP]LDSLCL]LDSYS]LD0]LD1]NULL]EXCH]VALUE" opcodes := "]ADD]SUB]MUL]DIV]NEG]INT]INC]DEC" opcodes := "]MOD]PWR]ABS]REM]LN]EXP]REUSE]IDIV" opcodes := "]DSP]DSPNL]LDUNASS]AT]PROFF]PRON]PAGE]BREAKCT" opcodes := "]KEYRDY]KEYIN]PRINTERR]PROMPT]GETPROMPT]KEYINC]BREAK]LOCATE" opcodes := "]LEN]SUBSTR]SUBSTRE]CAT]REMOVE]CHAR]SEQ]EXTRACT" opcodes := "]REPLACE]INS]DEL]LOCATES]SPACE]STR]DNCASE]UPCASE" opcodes := "]RMVTKN]INSERT]FIELD]COL1]COL2]FLDSTOR]FMT]ICONV" opcodes := "]OCONV]SUBSTRA]TRIM]TRIMF]TRIMB]COUNT]DCOUNT]INDEX" opcodes := "]EQ]NE]GT]LT]NOT]AND]OR]BITAND" opcodes := "]BITOR]BITNOT]GE]LE]SHIFT]BITXOR]BITSET]BITRESET" opcodes := "]OPEN]READ]READV]WRITEV]DELETE]WRITE]CLOSE]QUOTIENT" opcodes := "]FORLOOPS][[FOR1S]]]KEYINR]OPENPATH]SYSDIR]KEYINT]KEYINCT]TRANS" opcodes := "]DIMLCL]DIMCOM]INDX1]INDX2]INMAT]INMATA]KEYINRT]MATCOPY" opcodes := "]MATFILL]MATPARSE]MATBUILD]DELCOM]MATREAD]GETREM]SETREM]COMMON" opcodes := "]STATUS]ONERROR]NOWAIT]SETMODE]CLRMODE]SETSTAT]SWAP]FOLD3" opcodes := "]FILEINFO]OSPATH]TIME]DATE]TIMEDATE]EXECUTE]]ITYPE" opcodes := "]ALPHA]NUM]APPEND]TRIMX]SOUNDEX]MATCHES]RAISE]LOWER" opcodes := "]SUM]CONVERT]FCONVERT]COMPARE]FLDSTORF]MATCHFLD]QUOTE]RMVF" opcodes := "]SELECT]CLEARSEL]CLEARALL]SLCTINFO]READNEXT]RDNXEXP]RDNXPOS]SSELECT" opcodes := "]FORMLIST]READLIST]SYSMSG]]]]JFALSE]JTRUE" opcodes := "]ACOS]ASIN]ATAN]COS]SIN]TAN]SQRT]RND" opcodes := "]LDFLOAT]REP]STZ]STNULL]LDSYSV]UNASS]BITTEST]PREFIX" opcodes := "]FORINIT]FORLOOP]FOR1]SLEEP]CLRFILE]QUIT]LOCK]UNLOCK" opcodes := "]RELEASE]RECLCKD]FILELOCK]FLUNLOCK]LOCKREC]RLSALL]GETLOCKS]FOLD" opcodes := "]SAVESCRN]RSTSCRN]TRACE]PRECISION]CHKCAT]CLEAR]CLRCOM]CHAIN" opcodes := "]ULOCK]LLOCK]MVD]MVDS]MVDSS]MVDSSS]ASS]MVDD" opcodes := "]CLRINPUT]HUSH]DATA]TESTLOCK]HEADING]FOOTING]PRNT]PRNL" opcodes := "]PSET]PRCLOSE]PRFILE]SH]DEBUG]DBGINF]DBGBRK]KERNEL" convert ']' to @vm in opcodes * Extended opcodes excodes = "PABORT]NAP]TOTAL]IFS]SETNLS]GETNLS]ITYPE2]CALLV" excodes := "]ABORTMSG]PWCRYPT]LOGIN]UMASK]TERMINFO]KEYCODE]ERRMSG]VARTYPE" excodes := "]CROP]FIND]CHANGE]VSLICE]FINDSTR]SUBSTRNG]SWAPCASE]REPADD" excodes := "]REPSUB]REPMUL]REPDIV]REPCAT]MAXIMUM]MINIMUM]CHANGED]REPSUBST" excodes := "]DBGON]DBGOFF]UNLOAD]CAPTURE]PHANTOM]RTNLIST]SYSTEM]ABTCAUSE" excodes := "]LOGOUT]USERNO]ISSUBR]LISTCOM]DBGWATCH]EVENTS]DBGSET]PCONFIG" excodes := "]TTYGET]TTYSET]INPUTAT]INPUT]PRNAME]PRDISP]COMO]PTERM" excodes := "]HEADINGN]PRRESET]EBCDIC]ASCII]DTX]GETLIST]SAVELIST]GETPU" excodes := "]RDIV]SUMMATION]SEED]SETPU]OPTION]ENV]CONFIG]SENDMAIL" excodes := "]SQUOTE]DELLIST]SORTDATA]SELECTV]SELECTE]PASSLIST]BINDKEY]CHECKSUM" excodes := "]SEEK]READBLK]WRITEBLK]ANALYSE]CONFIGFL]FLUSH]CREATESQ]UNLK" excodes := "]UNLKFL]OSRENAME]GRPSTAT]SETTRIG]KEYCODET]KEYEDIT]KEYEXIT]KEYTRAP" excodes := "]OPENSEQ]READSEQ]WRITESEQ]WEOFSEQ]WRITESEQF]OPENSEQP]CREATEAK]AKRELEASE" excodes := "]AKWRITE]AKREAD]AKDELETE]DELETEAK]SELINDX]SELINDXV]AKCLEAR]AKENABLE" excodes := "]CREATEDH]CREATET1]MAPMARKS]SELLEFT]SELRIGHT]SETLEFT]SETRIGHT]INDICES1" excodes := "]INDICES2]TXNBGN]TXNCMT]TXNEND]TXNRBK]OSERROR]NOBUF]XTD" excodes := "]BTINIT]BTADD]BTSCAN]BTRESET]BTADDA]BTMODIFY]BTFIND]BTSCANA" excodes := "]LOADOBJ]LOADED]SPLICE]PACKAGE]LOCATEF]LISTINDX]MIN]MAX" excodes := "]SORTINIT]SORTADD]SORTNEXT]SORTCLR]RLSFILE]DIR]PMATRIX]DIMLCLP" excodes := "]LOGMSG]SHCAP]PROCREAD]DEREF]IADD]ISUB]IMUL]SCALE" excodes := "]READPKT]WRITEPKT]CHGPHANT]ONGOTOP]ONGOSUBP]READONLY]PICKREAD]STORSYS" excodes := "]SUBST]PSUBSTRA]SAVEADDR]COMPREP]COMPINS]COMPINSRT]COMPREPLC]FCONTROL" excodes := "]GETPORT]SETPORT]CCALL]ENTER]SETFLAGS]GETMSG]CSVDQ]OJOIN" excodes := "]EXPANDHF]LOCAL]DELLCL]AKMAP]SRVRADDR]OBJECT]OBJMAP]OBJREF" excodes := "]OPENSKT]CLOSESKT]READSKT]WRITESKT]SRVRSKT]ACCPTSKT]SKTINFO]SETSKT" excodes := "]FORMCSV]ISMV]SETUNASS]TIMEOUT]IN]ME]GET]SET" excodes := "]ARGCT]ARG]RTRANS]PAUSE]WAKE]PSUBSTRB]DELSEQ]CNCTPORT" excodes := "]LGNPORT]OBJINFO]INHERIT]DISINH]CREATESH]LDLSTR]RDNXINT]ENCRYPT" excodes := "]DECRYPT]CRYPT]INPUTBLK]NEGS]ABSS]LENS]SPACES]TRIMS" excodes := "]TRIMFS]TRIMBS]NOTS]NUMS]SOUNDEXS]STRS]FMTS]ICONVS" excodes := "]OCONVS]COUNTS]FOLDS]INDEXS]FOLDS3]TRIMXS]FIELDS]MODS" excodes := "]CATS]EQS]NES]GTS]LTS]ANDS]ORS]GES" excodes := "]LES" convert ']' to @vm in excodes * Extended opcode values values = "52992]52993]52994]52995]52996]52997]52998]52999" values := "]53000]53001]53002]53003]53004]53005]53006]53007" values := "]53008]53009]53010]53011]53012]53013]53014]53015" values := "]53016]53017]53018]53019]53020]53021]53022]53023" values := "]53024]53025]53026]53027]53028]53029]53030]53031" values := "]53032]53033]53034]53035]53036]53037]53038]53039" values := "]53040]53041]53042]53043]53044]53045]53046]53047" values := "]53048]53049]53050]53051]53052]53053]53054]53055" values := "]53056]53057]53058]53059]53060]53061]53062]53063" values := "]53064]53065]53066]53067]53068]53069]53070]53071" values := "]53072]53073]53074]53075]53076]53077]53078]53079" values := "]53080]53081]53082]53083]53084]53085]53086]53087" values := "]53088]53089]53090]53091]53092]53093]53094]53095" values := "]53096]53097]53098]53099]53100]53101]53102]53103" values := "]53104]53105]53106]53107]53108]53109]53110]53111" values := "]53112]53113]53114]53115]53116]53117]53118]53119" values := "]53120]53121]53122]53123]53124]53125]53126]53127" values := "]53128]53129]53130]53131]53132]53133]53134]53135" values := "]53136]53137]53138]53139]53140]53141]53142]53143" values := "]53144]53145]53146]53147]53148]53149]53150]53151" values := "]53152]53153]53154]53155]53156]53157]53158]53159" values := "]53160]53161]53162]53163]53164]53165]53166]53167" values := "]53168]53169]53170]53171]53172]53173]53174]53175" values := "]53176]53177]53178]53179]53180]53181]53182]53183" values := "]53184]53185]53186]53187]53188]53189]53190]53191" values := "]53192]53193]53194]53195]53196]53197]53198]53199" values := "]53200]53201]53202]53203]53204]53205]53206]53207" values := "]53208]53209]53210]53211]53212]53213]53214]53215" values := "]53216]53217]53218]59940]59946]59968]59980]59994" values := "]59995]59996]60004]60065]60068]60237]60246]60247" values := "]60248]60253]60383]60511]60567]60579]60754]61224" values := "]61251]61280]61281]61282]61283]61285]61286]61290" values := "]61291" convert ']' to @vm in values * Simple and extended opcode modes smodes = "AAABBBBBB.BBCMMACDFAEHAAANCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAC.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC...BBAAAAAAAAGAAACAAKABBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLALAAAAAAAAAAAAJAAA" xmodes = "AACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOAAAAAAAAAAAAMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPAAAAQEAACRCAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAA............................." *^ End of data derived from OPCODES.H * Parse the command line comd = @sentence comd = trim(comd) convert ' ' to @am in comd loop this = comd<1> del comd<1> until upcase(this) eq 'CHEAD' or comd eq '' do repeat * Help if comd<2> eq '' then crt crt 'Program to display information about compiled code.' crt '---------------------------------------------------' crt 'syntax: [RUN file] CHEAD FILE ITEM' crt crt 'This program will display information about' crt 'the object code and about QMBASIC opcodes.' crt crt 'The output can be printed using P toggle.' crt crt 'NOTE: Incorrect if DEBUGGING option used.' crt stop end namf = comd<1> name = comd<2> * Get the source code if possible if namf[4] eq '.OUT' then namf = namf[1,len(namf)-4] sourcode = '' open namf to srs.file then read sourcode from srs.file,name else null end * Get the object code namf = namf:'.OUT' open namf to obj.file else crt 'Cannot open object file ':namf stop end read this from obj.file,name else crt 'Cannot read object code ':name stop end * Calculate the object size from the header information * NOTE: LEN(THIS) is too short for big programs! blen = oconv(this[25,4],'IL') * The standard read converts char(10) to attribute marks * Get item with a block sequential read to avoid this openseq namf,name to code then readblk this from code,blen else null closeseq code end crt * Get the header lenh = 164 head = this[1,lenh] begn = lenh+2 * Get the various variables we are interested in nolocvar = oconv(head[13,2],'IS') nosubarg = oconv(head[11,2],'IS') symtabof = oconv(head[17,4],'IL') lcordoff = oconv(head[21,4],'IL') code.len = oconv(head[25,4],'IL') hdrflags = oconv(head[29,2],'IS') compiled = oconv(head[31,4],'IL') d = int(compiled/86400) t = rem(compiled,86400) compiled = oconv(d,'D'):' ':oconv(t,'MTS') * Change for later version vers = seq(this[2,1]) if vers > 0 and symtabof then lcordoff = symtabof + 4 symtabof += oconv(this[symtabof+2,2],'is')+4 end * Some more for thoroughness hdroffst = oconv(head[7,4],'IL') stakdeep = oconv(head[15,2],'IS') headrefs = oconv(head[35,2],'IS') progname = head[37,128] progname = trim(progname) progname = trim(progname,char(0)) * Get the symbol table symtable = '' if symtabof then symtable = this[symtabof+1,blen] symtable = trim(symtable,char(1),'T') * Get the line table lintable = '' if lcordoff then if symtabof then lintable = this[lcordoff+2,symtabof-lcordoff-1] else lintable = this[lcordoff+2,blen] end loclvars = '' commvars = '' commnumb = '' if symtable ne '' then loclvars = trim(symtable<1>,@vm,'T') commvars = symtable del commvars<1> xxno = dcount(commvars,@am) for xx = 1 to xxno commnumb<-1> = commvars<xx,1>+1 next xx end * Get the code begin case case lcordoff this = this[begn,lcordoff-lenh-1] case symtabof this = this[begn,symtabof-lenh-1] case 1 this = this[begn,blen] end case * Present the user with a menu prompt '' pout = @false plen = system(3) - 1 loop crt @(-1),namf,name crt crt ' H - Header information' crt ' F - Flags set in header' crt ' V - Variables (local)' crt ' C - Common variables' crt ' L - Line concordance' crt ' O - Opcodes' crt ' E - Extended opcodes' crt ' D - Dump of code' crt ' X - heXadecimal code dump' crt if pout then crt ' P - Print output now ON turn OFF' else crt ' P - Print output now OFF turn ON' crt crt ' Q - Quit' crt loop crt @(0):@(-3): * You can take the boy out of Mangere... if rnd(20) then crt ' Press choice key :': else crt ' Cuzzy Bro - Press [[C_H_O_I_C_E]] key, eh?': answ = upcase(keycode()) until answ ne '' and index('DXVCLHFPQOE',answ,1) do repeat crt if answ eq 'D' then gosub show.code if answ eq 'X' then gosub show.code if answ eq 'V' then gosub show.local if answ eq 'C' then gosub show.common if answ eq 'L' then gosub show.lines if answ eq 'H' then gosub show.header if answ eq 'F' then gosub show.flags if answ eq 'P' then pout = not(pout) if answ eq 'O' then gosub show.opcodes if answ eq 'E' then gosub show.extended.opcodes until answ eq 'Q' do repeat crt stop ************************ SUBROUTINES ******************************** show.code: if answ eq 'D' then decm = @true else decm = @false if this eq '' then disp = 'THERE IS NO CODE TO SHOW' else disp = 'DUMP OF CODE':@am cntr = 0 size = 16 loop part = this[cntr+1,size] until part eq '' do line = cntr 'R%4':':' for xx = 1 to size bite = part[xx,1] if bite = '' then bite = ' ' end else if decm then bite = seq(bite) 'R#3' else bite = ' ':(dtx(seq(bite)) 'R%2') end line := bite next xx line := ' - ':oconv(part,'MCP') disp<-1> = line cntr += size repeat gosub display return show.local: disp = ' Local Variables':@am xxno = dcount(loclvars,@vm) for xx = 1 to xxno varb = loclvars<1,xx> void = space(14-rem(len(varb),10)) locate(xx,commnumb;posn) then if varb = '$' then varb := void:'******* common block *******' else varb := void:'****** labelled common ******' end begin case case varb matches '"__"1[[N0X]]' varb := void:'***** Temporary Variable ****' case varb[1,2] eq '__' varb := void:'******* FILE Variable *******' case varb[1,1] eq '_' varb := void:'***** Call to Subroutine ****' case varb[1,1] eq '~' varb := void:'******** Object code ********' case varb[1,1] eq '*' varb := void:'****** Object Argument ******' end case disp<-1> = xx 'R#5':' ':varb next xx if loclvars eq '' then disp = 'THERE IS NO VARIABLE INFORMATION' gosub display return show.common: disp = 'COMMON BLOCK DISPLAY':@am xxno = dcount(commvars,@am) for xx = 1 to xxno line = commvars<xx> comm = line<1,1> del line<1,1> comm += 1 comm = loclvars<1,comm> if comm = '$' then disp<-1> = ' Common Block' else disp<-1> = ' ':comm:' - Labelled common' yyno = dcount(line,@sm) for yy = 1 to yyno disp<-1> = yy 'R#5':' ':line<1,1,yy> next yy if xx ne xxno then disp<-1> = ' ' next xx if commvars eq '' then disp = 'THERE ARE NO COMMON BLOCKS, OR THERE IS NO INFORMATION' gosub display return show.lines: disp = 'LINE CONCORDANCE TABLE' disp<-1> = ' Line# Length of object in line' xx = 0 line = 0 loop xx += 1 part = lintable[xx,1] until part eq '' do seqn = seq(part) if seqn = 255 then xx += 1 ; seqn = seq(lintable[xx,1]) xx += 1 ; seqn += seq(lintable[xx,1])*256 end line += 1 if seqn then disp<-1> = line 'R#6':' ':seqn repeat if lintable eq '' then disp = 'THERE IS NO LINE INFORMATION' gosub display return show.header: disp = 'HEADER INFORMATION - ':progname:@am disp<-1> = 'Endian hint' 'R#35':' ': seq(head[1,1]) disp<-1> = 'Header Revision' 'R#35':' ': seq(head[2,1]) disp<-1> = 'Header Offset' 'R#35':' ': hdroffst disp<-1> = 'Number of local variables' 'R#35':' ': nolocvar disp<-1> = 'Number of subroutine arguments' 'R#35':' ': nosubarg disp<-1> = 'Stack Depth' 'R#35':' ': stakdeep disp<-1> = 'Symbol table offset' 'R#35':' ': symtabof disp<-1> = 'Line concordance offset' 'R#35':' ': lcordoff disp<-1> = 'Line concordance table size' 'R#35':' ': len(lintable) disp<-1> = 'Object size' 'R#35':' ': code.len disp<-1> = 'Code size' 'R#35':' ': len(this) disp<-1> = 'When compiled' 'R#35':' ': compiled disp<-1> = 'Header References' 'R#35':' ': headrefs gosub display return show.flags: disp = 'FLAG INFORMATION':@am disp<-1> = 'Command processor' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,0) disp<-1> = 'Internal mode program' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,1) disp<-1> = 'Compiled in debug mode' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,2) disp<-1> = 'Debugger' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,3) disp<-1> = 'Case insensitive string operations' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,4) disp<-1> = 'Basic function' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,5) disp<-1> = 'Variable arg count (hdr.args = max)' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,6) disp<-1> = 'Is a recursive program' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,7) disp<-1> = 'Is an A[[/S/C/I]]-type' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,8) disp<-1> = 'Allow break in recursive' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,9) disp<-1> = 'Trusted program' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,10) disp<-1> = 'Allow remote files by NFS' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,11) disp<-1> = 'Program uses case sensitive names' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,12) disp<-1> = 'Can be called using QMCall()' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,13) disp<-1> = 'Is a C-type' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,14) disp<-1> = 'Is CLASS module' 'R#35':' ': bittest(hdrflags,15) gosub display return show.opcodes: disp = 'Simple OPCODES':@am xxno = dcount(opcodes,@vm) for xx = 1 to xxno numb = xx-1 hexn = dtx(numb) 'R%2' mode = smodes[xx,1] gosub disp<-1> = numb 'R#5':' ':hexn:' ':opcodes<1,xx> 'l#10':show next xx if opcodes eq '' then disp = 'THERE ARE NO SIMPLE OPCODES' gosub display return show.extended.opcodes: disp = 'Extended OPCODES':@am xxno = dcount(excodes,@vm) for xx = 1 to xxno numb = values<1,xx> hexn = dtx(numb) 'R%4' mode = xmodes[xx,1] gosub line = numb:' ':hexn:' ':excodes<1,xx> 'L#10':show disp<-1> = line next xx if excodes eq '' then disp = 'THERE ARE NO EXTENDED OPCODES' gosub display return begin case case mode eq 'A' ; show = 'Opcode Byte' ; show = '' ; * Tidier case mode eq 'B' ; show = 'Jump Address' case mode eq 'C' ; show = 'One Byte Value' case mode eq 'D' ; show = 'Four Byte Value' case mode eq 'E' ; show = 'Local Variable' case mode eq 'F' ; show = 'String Value' case mode eq 'G' ; show = 'Float Value' case mode eq 'H' ; show = 'Common Variable' case mode eq 'I' ; show = 'Common Dcl' case mode eq 'J' ; show = 'Debug Reference' case mode eq 'K' ; show = 'Opcode Prefix' case mode eq 'L' ; show = 'Multivalue Opcode' case mode eq 'M' ; show = 'Address List' case mode eq 'N' ; show = 'Short Local' case mode eq 'O' ; show = 'Pmatdata' case mode eq 'P' ; show = 'Two Byte Value' case mode eq 'Q' ; show = 'Local Dcl' case mode eq 'R' ; show = 'Object Map Data' case mode eq 'S' ; show = 'Long String Value' case 1 ; show = '' end case return display: xxno = dcount(disp,@am) if pout and xxno gt 1 then gosub print.output ; return pags = int(xxno/plen) last = pags * plen pags += (rem(xxno,plen) ne 0) dawn = 1 loop dusk = dawn + plen - 1 for here = dawn to dusk crt disp<here> next here begin case case xxno le plen crt 'Press any key to retun to menu ': wait = upcase(keycode()) return case here gt last crt 'Press any key to return to menu or <T>op <P>revious ': wait = upcase(keycode()) if wait ne 'T' and wait ne 'P' then return case dusk le plen crt 'Press any key to continue or <Q> to return to menu ': wait = upcase(keycode()) if wait eq 'T' or wait eq 'P' then wait = 'C' case 1 crt 'Press any key to continue or <T>op <P>revious <Q>uit to return to menu ': wait = upcase(keycode()) end case begin case case wait eq 'T' ; dawn = 1 case wait eq 'P' ; dawn -= plen case 1 ; dawn += plen end case crt until dawn gt xxno or wait eq 'Q' do repeat return print.output: crt crt disp<1> loop crt 'ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO PRINT?': answ = upcase(keycode()) until answ eq 'Y' or answ eq 'N' do crt 'Please answer "Y" or "N"' repeat if answ eq 'Y' then printer on print 'Details for ':name:' in ':namf print for xx = 1 to xxno print disp<xx> next xx printer off end return end