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Jump to navigationJump to searchThis program will convert the case of records or @IDs.
! ** Convert case of record ** (C) Copyright 1985-2007, Advantos Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ! ** Last Modified: 11 Mar 2007, wph ** First Created: 01 Jul 1992, wph ** Program Type-: Utility ! ** Notes: ** ** This process changes the case of record items. ** **-------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N ** ** ** **-------------------------------------------------------------------** * ** initialize local variables *$OPTIONS EXT ; ** D3 version SP1 = ' ' [[UpdCnt]] = 0 [[ReadCnt]] = 0 NULL$ = '' [[DictSw]] = NULL$ * ** read tcl line [[TclLine]] = @SENTENCE ; ** UD version *[[TclLine]] = @COMMAND ; ** UV version *TCLREAD [[TclLine]] ; ** D3 version [[TclLine]] = TRIM([[TclLine]]) * ** parse out command and options OPTIONS = FIELD([[TclLine]], '(', 2) ; ** U2 version *OPTIONS = SYSTEM(15) ; ** D3 version [[TclLine]] = TRIM(FIELD([[TclLine]], '(', 1)) OPTIONS = TRIM(OPTIONS) * ** convert spaces to attribute marks for string manipulation CONVERT ' ' TO @AM IN [[TclLine]] [[TclLine]] = DELETE([[TclLine]], 1) ; ** remove command from line FNAME = [[TclLine]]<1> IF INDEX(OPTIONS, '?', 1) THEN FNAME = '?' * ** help option IF FNAME = '?' THEN GOTO DISPLAY.HELP * ** get file name IF FNAME = '' THEN STOP 10 IF FNAME = 'DICT' OR FNAME = 'DATA' THEN IF FNAME = 'DICT' THEN [[DictSw]] = 'DICT' FNAME = TRIM([[TclLine]]<2>) [[TclLine]] = DELETE([[TclLine]],1) END * ** open file to process OPEN [[DictSw]], FNAME TO FNAME.FV ELSE CRT '...No ' : FNAME : ' file available' GOTO END.OF.PROGRAM END * IF FNAME[LEN(FNAME),1] = ',' THEN ANAME = FIELD(FNAME, ',', 1) DNAME = FIELD(FNAME, ',', 2) IF DNAME = '' ELSE DNAME = DNAME:',' END ELSE ACCTP = 2 ; ** U2 version * IF SYSTEM(29) THEN ACCTP = 2 ELSE ACCTP = 3 ; ** D3 version OPUT = OCONV('', '[[U50BB]]') ANAME = FIELD(OPUT, ' ', ACCTP) DNAME = '' END * ** remove file from command and parse options [[TclLine]] = DELETE([[TclLine]], 1) IF [[TclLine]] = '' THEN TCLFLG = 0 ELSE TCLFLG = 1 IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'I', 1) THEN IDSUPP = 1 ELSE IDSUPP = 0 IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'O', 1) THEN OFLG = 1 ELSE OFLG = 0 IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'U', 1) THEN UCSW = 1 ELSE UCSW = 0 IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'L', 1) THEN LCSW = 1 CASCV = 'MCL' END ELSE LCSW = 0 CASCV = 'MCU' END IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'Q', 1) THEN QUOTESW = 1 IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'E', 1) THEN EXEC = 1 ELSE EXEC = 0 END ELSE QUOTESW = 0 END * ** make sure if Key Only is chosen 'Q' & 'E' options are deactivated IF INDEX(OPTIONS, 'K', 1) THEN UPDKEY = 1 EXEC = 0 QUOTESW = 0 END ELSE UPDKEY = 0 END ** **-------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** S T A R T P R O G R A M R U N ** ** ** **-------------------------------------------------------------------** * ** Process record(s) EOJ = 0 FTIME = 1 SEL.LIST = SYSTEM(11) LOOP IF SEL.LIST THEN READNEXT ID ELSE EOJ = 1 END ELSE IF TCLFLG THEN ID = [[TclLine]]<1> [[TclLine]] = DELETE([[TclLine]], 1) IF ID = '' THEN EOJ = 1 END ELSE CRT 'ENTER ID: ': INPUT ID IF ID = '' THEN EOJ = 1 END END ID = TRIM(ID) UNTIL EOJ DO IF FTIME THEN FTIME = 0 IF ID = '*' THEN SEL.LIST = 1 SELECT READNEXT ID ELSE GOTO END.OF.PROGRAM END END [[ReadCnt]] += 1 ; ** increment read count READU ITEM FROM FNAME.FV, ID THEN * IF SYSTEM(0) = 10 THEN ; ** D3 version * RELEASE FNAME.FV, ID ; ** binary ** D3 version * END ELSE ; ** D3 version IF NOT(UPDKEY) AND (UCSW OR LCSW) THEN [[NoOfAms]] = DCOUNT(ITEM, @AM) FOR A = 1 TO [[NoOfAms]] LN = ITEM<A> IND = INDEX(LN, 'CHAIN ', 1) IF IND ELSE IND = INDEX(LN, 'TCL ', 1) IF IND ELSE IND = INDEX(LN, 'EXECUTE ', 1) GOSUB CASE.CONVERT ITEM<A> = LN NEXT A END IF UPDKEY THEN DELETE FNAME.FV, ID ID = OCONV(ID, CASCV) ; ** convert ID to upper/lower case END WRITE ITEM ON FNAME.FV, ID ** increment update count and display progress [[UpdCnt]] += 1 IF NOT(IDSUPP) THEN IF OFLG THEN CRT ID : SP1 : END ELSE IF NOT(MOD([[UpdCnt]], 100)) THEN CRT '.' : END END * END ; ** D3 version END ELSE RELEASE FNAME.FV, ID STOP 202, ID END REPEAT * GOTO END.OF.PROGRAM * **----------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** S U B R O U T I N E S ** ** ** **----------------------------------------------------------------** * ** Convert the case of a line *************** CASE.CONVERT: *************** * FIRST.CHAR.YET = 0 ; ** non-space character COMMENT.SW = 0 ; ** is this a comment IF QUOTESW THEN DQ.SW = 0 ; ** double-quote switch SQ.SW = 0 ; ** single-quote switch BS.SW = 0 ; ** back-slash switch CC.HIGH = LEN(LN) FOR CCX = 1 TO CC.HIGH CC.CHAR = LN[CCX,1] ; ** get the character * ** process if we're not in a string$ IF NOT(DQ.SW) AND NOT(SQ.SW) AND NOT(BS.SW) THEN * ** is the 1st non-space character of the line? IF NOT(FIRST.CHAR.YET) THEN BEGIN CASE CASE CC.CHAR = ' ' ; GOTO NEXT.CCX CASE CC.CHAR = '*' ; COMMENT.SW = 1 CASE CC.CHAR = '!' ; COMMENT.SW = 1 CASE LN[CCX,4] = 'REM ' COMMENT.SW = 1 CCX += 4 CC.CHAR = LN[CCX,1] END CASE FIRST.CHAR.YET = 1 END * ** determine if we're starting an un-commented string$ IF NOT(COMMENT.SW) THEN BEGIN CASE CASE CC.CHAR = '"' ; DQ.SW = 1 CASE CC.CHAR = "'" ; SQ.SW = 1 CASE CC.CHAR = '\' ; BS.SW = 1 CASE CC.CHAR = ';' ; FIRST.CHAR.YET = 0 CASE 1 CC.CHAR = OCONV(CC.CHAR, CASCV) LN[CCX,1] = CC.CHAR END CASE END END ELSE * * see if we need to un-string$ the string otherwise leave it alone IF NOT(COMMENT.SW) THEN BEGIN CASE CASE DQ.SW AND CC.CHAR = '"' ; DQ.SW = 0 CASE SQ.SW AND CC.CHAR = "'" ; SQ.SW = 0 CASE BS.SW AND CC.CHAR = '\' ; BS.SW = 0 END CASE END END * NEXT.CCX: * NEXT CCX END ELSE LN = OCONV(LN, CASCV) ; ** convert entire line END RETURN * ** Help display *************** DISPLAY.HELP: *************** * CRT CRT 'Convert CASE of data from Upper-to-Lower or Lower-to-Upper. This' CRT 'is usually done for program files, but can be done for any files.' CRT CRT 'Syntax:' CRT ' CONV.CASE [[FileName]] {Item Criteria} {(OPTIONS)}' CRT CRT ' * options:' CRT ' E - Used with Q-Option to Convert Case of Items' CRT ' within quotes due to CHAIN, TCL, or EXECUTE' CRT ' I - Suppresses Item-Id output' CRT ' K - Converts Record [K]eys (item Ids) only' CRT ' L - Convert Upper to Lower Case' CRT ' O - Output Item-Ids on Same Line' CRT ' Q - Leaves Text within quotes Unchanged. Also leaves' CRT ' program comments unchanged.' CRT ' U - Convert Lower to Upper Case (default)' CRT CRT 'Note: If you select the [K]ey option only the key will be updated' STOP * **----------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** E N D O F P R O G R A M ** ** ** **----------------------------------------------------------------** * *************** END.OF.PROGRAM: *************** * CRT CRT [[ReadCnt]] : " items read for updating." CRT [[UpdCnt]] : " items updated." END