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Jump to navigationJump to search#TITLE=UV10 ; [[EditPlus]] Syntax File v10.1b written by Stuart Boydell [email protected]. ; This file is provided as a syntax file for [[UniVerse]] 10. ; 12-Sep-2003 update v10.1b api verbs & syntax ; ; Tools[[/Prefernces/Settings]] & Syntax: ; Set this as the "File types" Default syntax for items without extensions ; Create new File type for UV syntax. ; Setup the function pattern to allow use of Search[[/Funtion]] List (ctrl-F11) ; to go to program labels. ; ; File Extensions: bas;par ; Function (subr) pattern: ^ *[0-9A-Za-z\.-_]+\: #DELIMITER=(){}[]-+*%/="'~!&|\<>?:;, #QUOTATION1=' #QUOTATION2=" #[[CONTINUE_QUOTE]]=y ; ensures unclosed quotes are obvious #LINECOMMENT=* #LINECOMMENT2=! ; also possible line comments are REM and "$*" #COMMENTON= #COMMENTOFF= #COMMENTON2= #COMMENTOFF2= #ESCAPE= #CASE=n #PREFIX1= #PREFIX2= #PREFIX3= ; prefix "@" defines uv @variables #PREFIX4=@ #PREFIX5= #SUFFIX1= #SUFFIX2= #SUFFIX3= #SUFFIX4= ; suffix ":" defines uv subroutines #SUFFIX5=: #KEYWORD=UV BASIC Reserved Words ; minor keywords before by calling capturing commit do else end error from in isolation level lit literally out passlist repeat returning rtnlist setting start status step then to until using while ; major keywords !async !errno !fcmp !get.partnum !get.pathname !get.pu !get.user.counts !inline.prompts !ints !make.pathname !matches !message !report.error !set.ptr !set.pu !timdat !user.type !voc.pathname $chain $copyright $define $eject $else $endif $ifdef $ifndef $include $indef $insert $map $options $page $undefine ^#include ; abort - see struct abs abss acos adds alpha ands ascii asin ; assign - see structure section assigned atan authorization auxmap begin bitand bitnot bitor bitreset bitset bittest bitxor break bscan byte bytelen bytetype byteval call case cat cats century.pivot chain change char chars checksum clear cleardata clearfile clearprompts clearselect close closeseq col1 col2 com commit common compare constants continue convert cos cosh count counts create crt data date dcount debug declare gci deffun del delete deletelist deleteu descrinfo digest dim dimension display div divs downcase dquote dtx ebcdic echo encode encrypt end enter eof(arg.) equ equate ereplace errmsg exchange execute exit exp extract fadd fdiv ffix fflt field fields fieldstore fileinfo filelock fileunlock find findstr fix flush fmt fmtdp fmts fmtsdp fmul fold folddp footing for formlist fsub function ges get get(arg.) getlist getlocale getrem getx ; go - here there be dragons ; goto - here there be dragons gosub group groupstore gts heading headinge headingn hush icheck iconv iconvs if ifs ilprompt include index indexs indices inmat input inputclear inputdisp inputdp inputerr inputif inputnull inputtrap ins insert int isnull isnulls itype keyedit keyexit keyin keytrap left len lendp lens lensdp les let ln locate lock locked loop lower lts mat matbuild match matches matchfield matparse matread matreadl matreadu matwrite matwriteu maximum minimum mod mods muls nap neg negs nes next nobuf not nots null num nums oconv oconvs off on open opencheck opendev openpath openseq ors page perform precision print printer printerr procread procwrite ; program - see structure section prompt pwr quote raise randomize read readblk readl readlist readnext readseq readt readu readv readvl readvu real recordlock recordlocked recordlockl recordlocku release rem rem remove repeat replace ; return - see structure section reuse revremove rewind right rnd rollback rpc.call rpc.connect rpc.disconnect sadd scmp sdiv seek seek(arg.) select selecte selectindex selectinfo selectn selectv send sentence seq seqs set setrem sin sinh sleep smul soundex space spaces splice sqrt squote sselect sselectn sselectv ssub status ; stop - see structure section str strs subr ; subroutine - see structure section subs substrings sum summation system tabstop tan tanh terminfo time timedate timeout tparm tprint trans transaction trim trimb trimbs trimf trimfs trims ttyctl ttyget ttyset unassigned unichar unichars uniseq uniseqs unlock upcase uprint weof weofseq write writeblk writelist writeseq writeseqf writet writeu writev writevu xlate xtd #KEYWORD=UV Operators ( ) , : [ ] / * ** ^^ and & + or ! - eq = gt > lt < ge le ne ^# #KEYWORD=BCI, Sockets & XML ;# BCI functions [[ClearDiagnostics]] [[GetDiagnostics]] [[SetDiagnostics]] [[SQLAllocConnect]] [[SQLAllocEnv]] [[SQLAllocStmt]] [[SQLBindCol]] [[SQLBindCol]] [[SQLBindParameter]] SQLCancel [[SQLColAttributes]] SQLColumns SQLConnect [[SQLDescribeCol]] SQLDisconnect SQLError [[SQLExecDirect]] SQLExecute SQLFetch [[SQLFreeConnect]] [[SQLFreeEnv]] [[SQLFreeStmt]] [[SQLGetInfo]] [[SQLGetTypeInfo]] [[SQLNumParams]] [[SQLNumResultCols]] [[SQLParamOptions]] SQLPrepare [[SQLRowCount]] [[SQLSetConnectOption]] [[SQLSetParam]] [[SQLSpecialColumns]] SQLStatistics SQLTables SQLTransact ;# Sockets[[/Internet]] functions [[AcceptConnection]] [[AddAuthenticationRule]] [[AddCertificate]] [[AddRequestParameter]] [[AnalyzeCertificate]] [[CloseSocket]] [[CreateCertification]] [[CreateCertRequest]] [[CreateRequest]] [[CreateSecureRequest]] [[CreateSecurityContext]] [[GenerateKey]] [[GetCipherSuite]] [[GetHTTPDefault]] [[GetSocketErrorMessage]] [[GetSocketInformation]] [[GetSocketOptions]] [[InitSecureServerSocket]] [[InitServerSocket]] [[LoadSecurityContext]] [[OpenSecureSocket]] [[OpenSocket]] [[ProtocolLogging]] [[ReadSocket]] [[SaveSecurityContext]] [[SetAuthenticationDepth]] [[SetCipherSuite]] [[SetClientauthentication]] [[SetHTTPDefault]] [[SetLocale]] [[SetPrivateKey]] [[SetRandomSeed]] [[SetRequestHeader]] [[SetSocketOptions]] [[ShowSecurityContext]] Signature [[SubmitRequest]] [[WriteSocket]] ;# XML functions closeXMLData openXMLData prepareXML readXMLData releaseXML xmlError ;# v10.1 xml[[GetError]] xmlExecute ;# DOM functions v10.1 XDOMOpen [[XDOMCreateNode]] XDOMWrite XDOMClose XDOMValidate XDOMLocate [[XDOMLocateNode]] [[XDOMCreateNode]] XDOMEvaluate XDOMRemove XDOMAppend XDOMInsert XDOMReplace [[XDOMAddChild]] XDOMClone XDOMTransform [[XDOMGetNodeValue]] [[XDOMGetNodeName]] [[XDOMGetNodeType]] [[XDOMGetAttribute]] [[XDOMGetOwnerDocument]] [[XDOMGetUserData]] [[XDOMSetNodeValue]] [[XDOMSetUserData]] ;# AMI Session v10.1 amInitialize am[[ReceiveMsg]] am[[ReceiveRequest]] am[[SendMsg]] am[[SendRequest]] am[[SendResponse]] amTerminate ;# SOAP API 10.1 [[SOAPSetDefault]] [[SOAPGetDefault]] [[SOAPCreateRequest]] [[SOAPSetParameters]] [[SOAPSetRequestHeader]] [[SOAPSetRequestBody]] [[SOAPSetRequestContent]] [[SOAPRequestWrite]] [[SOAPSubmitRequest]] [[SOAPGetResponseHeader]] [[SOAPGetFault]] protocolLogging #KEYWORD=@ Variables & Options ;# flavour options default in2 information pick piopen reality ;# individual options case comp.precision count.ovlp end.warn exec.eq.perf extra.delim for.incr.bef format.oconv fselect header.brk header.date header.eject in2.substr info.abort info.convert info.enter info.include info.locate info.marks info.mod input.else inputat int.precision locate.r83 no.case no.reselect no.return.warn ongo.range pclose.all perf.eq.exec piopen.execute piopen.include piopen.matread piopen.selidx radians raw.output read.retain real.substr rnext.expl seq.255 static.dim stop.msg supp.data.echo time.millisecond ult.format use.errmsg var.select vec.math wide.if #KEYWORD=Structure syntax ^; \ abort aborte abortm assign go goto program return stop stope stopm sub subroutine