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                            function GET.REALUSER( Err )
* Gets the real username, behind the "sudo root" where applicable
* ========================================================================================
* 02.Jan.2008 jim: Set Err in case callers check it.
* 07.Jun.2007 jim: Update to standard format. Added comment below.
* 30-Dec-2006 manoj: Created
* ========================================================================================
* Should 'LOAD.ENV.COMMON' be run for every process in STD.SETUP ? Some things like
* USER and PWD are pretty useful; but their is surely some extra overhead ? How much ?
* ========================================================================================

  $include RMS.BP ENV.COMMON

  Err = ''  ;*  No error is set for now ? But pro-active callers might check it...

  call LOAD.ENV.COMMON("")  ;*  Loads if not loaded already.

return (EC$REALUSER)