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Welcome to the PickWiki! This site is about MultiValued Databases.
- 2015-01-15 <a href="http://www.zumasys.com/admin/zumasys-acquires-jbase-database/">Zumasys acquires jBase!</a>
- 2013-12-15 Pickwiki.com has been migrated from a virtual to a physical server hosted at www.ovh.com
- 2013-12-01 Install media-wiki and starting the laborious process of moving content manually
- 2013-11-02 There was an unfortunate lapse in being able to update the wiki for a couple of months, caused by a hard coded cookie expiration date in wiki.pl (!)
Some useful starting points
- RecentChanges in PickWiki
- MultiValued Databases - Describes the database and its history
- Getting Started with MultiValued Databases
- HowTos - Common issues and solutions, like creating web interfaces
- Source Code - Programming and technical articles
- Users - As a registered user, you can create your own page and your updates will automatically link to it!
- In Memoriam - Remembering those who are no longer with us
Other resources
- Blogs related to MultiValue software
- Community page includes links to employment, UserGroups and forums to post questions
- Freeware - All free, mostly open source
- MultiValue Consultants - Need some help? Find the perfect person!
- MultiValue Companies - List of companies which use MultiValue databases
- U2UG has a wiki dedicated to the Rocket U2 databases
What you can do with PickWiki
- WikiBackup - Describes how to get a copy of the wiki, for security or fork the content
- Getting Personal with PickWiki - I'm on a campaign to get every Pick developer to use PickWiki...
- Register on the Preferences page so you can edit pages
- Login as a registered user on a different browser
- Take your first steps in the SandBox
- Add tags to improve searching
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Hints and Tips - How to edit the pages on this site, and make new pages
- Text Formatting Rules
About PickWiki
This wiki runs on UseModWiki, one of the early wiki clones. The state of the art has moved on since 2000, and this thread on comp.databases.pick has some discussion on the idea of alternatives. NewWikiIdeas is a place to capture some of those ideas.
- Ian McGowan describes his intent in creating PickWiki
- Discuss PickWiki in the MVDBMS forum
- Index - All pages