From Pickwiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchIf you have commonly asked "How do I do..." questions (or even better answers!) add a page here. These are topics that come up over and over, and the goal of this section is to capture the best answers.
Each page is structured as a general discussion of the problem and some approaches, and then specific implementations for each O/S and or database (e.g. Unix vs. Windows, Pick R83 vs UniVerse vs D3)
- How to find Employment, developers, MultiValue Consultants, etc
- Restore Advanced Pick Backups from Tape
- Access from .NET
- Access from Java
- Access from PHP
- Access from Perl
- Access from Visual Basic
- Automate Windows 2008 R2 (and later) Backup
- Connect to Microsoft Access
- Connect to Microsoft Excel
- Connect to Microsoft Word
- Create PDF Documents
- Create Web Interfaces
- Get UniOLEDB Working
- Launch GoogleMaps
- MigratePickToPick - Notes about migrating from one Pick/MV platform to another
- Run a Program on a client PC
- Send an Email
- Use with OpenOffice
- View Call Stack
- Virtualize R83 in Windows (1.5MB PDF document by Dave M, temporarily hosted off-site)