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John A. Timmons, 1940-2008

[text of obituary printed in Nisqually Valley News, Yelm, WA]

John A. Timmons, 68, passed away on Oct. 31, 2008.

John grew up in Miles City, Montana and is a graduate of Montana State University with a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering and a MS in Electrical Engineering.

He was employed by Honeywell, working on the Apollo Space Project before forming his own company providing computer expertise in both software and hardware. During that time, John became a well respected consultant for many companies.

John moved to Yelm (WA) in the late 1980s to begin a way of life in harmony with nature. Due to his diverse knowledge, he was often called upon by neighbors and friends to solve problems. He left a legacy to the community and planet with his ecological dedication.

John is survived by his wife, Wilma (Willie); son Jerry and his wife Marni; three grandsons, Jason, Joe and Justin; and a great grand-daughter, Isabella.

John at his home in Yelm, Nov 19, 1999. (Yes, those are 10MB Microdata Reality disk drives) -- [1]

The obit.