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Installation Guide for installing IBM's Personal Edition of uniVerse 10 for REDHAT LINUX.

This guide will assume that you have "root" permission on a REDHAT Linux server, know how to ssh into it, and will be sitting at Windows workstation when you use this guide. If you installed Xwindows on the REDHAT box just skip the instructions regarding moving the file or loging in and wget'ing the file. Actually, if you don't get totally confused I would be surprised.

Navigate to IBM's website and search for uniVerse which as of this writing is found via Software > DB2 Information Management > U2 product family. There are links for Trials and Betas... click that link. Find the link called Trial: U2 Personal Editions and Trials (UniVerse 10.1.12 Personal Edition) U2 Personal Editions and Trial Software Operating system: Red Hat Linux | Version: 10.1.12

IBM will require you to register an account with an email and password, and will send you to the download area. After answering various marketing questions, you will finally arrive at the download link. You can either click the download (170Meg) and move it back to the REDHAT box as you desire (sftp, samba) into the /tmp directory, or copy the link and login to the REDHAT box (you should su into root), cd to the /tmp directory and wget [paste an insanely long http: link here] the download. I apologize if this is confusing... bottom line is that you need to get a *.tar file from the IBM website into the /tmp directory of the REDHAT box. If you have a better way that you understand, do it.

You should now have a file in your /tmp directory.

    # ll v10*
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 170956800 Jun 30  2005 v10112-8288-pe.tar

You would think that this tar would be a archive of files. No, it's an archive of several cpio archives, so you need to tar this into an install directory.

    # mkdir /uv
    # cd /uv
    # tar xvf /tmp/v10*
    # ll
    total 167256
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root    107520 Jun 30  2005 CVTB
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root  17797120 Jun 30  2005 DEVELOP
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root   2252800 Jun 30  2005 DOC
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root   9272320 Jun 30  2005 FILESIZE
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root   2472960 Jun 30  2005 GCI
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root    199680 Jun 30  2005 IC
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root    199680 Jun 30  2005 JDBC
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root 116474880 Jun 30  2005 MAIN
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root   2974720 Jun 30  2005 NETWORK
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root   8197120 Jun 30  2005 NLS
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root   2626560 Jun 30  2005 OBJ
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root   4894720 Jun 30  2005 PORTING
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root   1592320 Jun 30  2005 QA
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root    143360 Jun 30  2005 STARTUP
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root    358400 Jun 30  2005 UCI
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root   1013760 Jun 30  2005 UOJ
    -rwxrwxrwt  1 root root    363520 Jun 30  2005 UVODBC

Okay, no indication of what to do next. What, a stinking readme.txt would have killed them? From reading the circa 1995 installation PDF that is on the IBM website it seems you need a shell script called "uv.load". Using extra mind powers I devined that the proper command would be

   #cpio -ivcBdum uv.load < STARTUP

to create it. The only problem is that while it's a generic shell script, it makes a few assumptions. Before we can use it you may have to install extra libraries and tools.

Make sure you have the following: /usr/lib/ and the "uncompress" command

   #ll /usr/lib/
   lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 18 Feb 17 22:12 /usr/lib/ ->

If you don't have that library (my Fedora Core-3 box did not), you will have to install an RPM that will supply that library ( I used ). You just can't link the so.5 to whatever you currently have.

If you don't have "uncompress" as a command I just edited the ./uv.load file around line 1344 and replaced uncompresses with gunzip -d for three lines so that it looked like this with "vi" ...

       echo "Uncompressing files."
       gunzip -d -f $uvhomedir/bin/*.Z
       gunzip -d -f $uvhomedir/SYS.HELP/*.Z
       gunzip -d -f $uvhomedir/obj/*.Z

Before you run the script, it will need two user accounts. Use your favorite method of adding users (I used webmin and made them "nologin" type accouts). You need to have a user called "uvadm" and one called "uvsql".

Now you are ready to begin.

   # ./uv.load

It will ask if you the following...

   1)  Keep 'root' as the owner and administrator of uniVerse.
       The current installation continues uninterrupted.
   2)  Make 'uvadm' the new owner and administrator of uniVerse.
       The current installation continues uninterrupted.
   3)  Stop the upgrade.
   Your choice (Default action is 1):

I chose "1"

Then it will ask you the following...

  The current settings of the available options are:
  UniVerse installer    : root
  UniVerse administrator: root  uid=0  gid=0
  1) UniVerse home directory:           /usr/ibm/uv
  2) UniVerse-UniData shared directory: /usr/ibm/unishared
  3) Compile terminfo definitions:      true
  4) Rewind tape name                   /cdrom
  5) No-rewind tape name                /cdrom
  6) Long File Names                    OFF

You will need to change option "4" and "5" to the directory that you are currently in, in this case "/uv", so that it looks like this...

  4) Rewind tape name                   /uv
  5) No-rewind tape name                /uv

At this point everything appears to install normal, and you can go about the business of setting up the installation and starting the server using the documented methods.