From Pickwiki
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Feb 1998 Merged with VMark (Universe) to form Ardent
Purchased a host of other companies (O2, Prism, Dovetail)
Dec 1999 Purchased by Informix (Primarily to get the DataStage product)
Late 2000 Split into 2 companies:
Ascential: DataStage and some portal software Informix Software: Everything else...
Apr 2001 IBM Purchases Informix
UniData documentation: http://www-3.ibm.com/software/data/u2/pubs/library/60unidata/index.html
UniData 6.0 is available in a 2-user Personal Edition!
Here's how I installed it on Redhat 8.0: Redhat8UD6PEInstallInfo
Anyone care to give tips on Windows? WindowsUD6PEInstallInfo