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This is a tool to convert a CSV file to a dynamic array.
- The main goal of this tool is to provide a good conversion from CSV. This is a Microsoft file format commonly used for flat file data exchange (until people start using XML universally). I have found many different bits and pieces around to convert CSV, most of which don't handle the possibilities of CSV or do the conversion badly.
- The program was designed for UV as a function requiring a csv document and input arguments and returns a result value, and sets status() if conversion fails. It means it can be easily called from basic or an I-type subr() statement. See the comments in the code for examples and details of methods and the arguments required.
function [[CSV2ARRAY]](doc,opts) * function to convert a csv to an array * 1.0 23-Jul-2007 stuart boydell - Original * * doc: csv document * line breaks in cells get converted to subVal marks (@sm) * nb. U2 autoconverts char(10) / char(13) to normalised (nix/win) crlf - so best to get your csv raw. * opts: 'N' returns a normalised dynamic array // eg orthagonal to excel: columns to attributes, cells to values * equ E.PROG.NAME to '[[CSV2ARRAY]]', E.VERSION to '1.0', E.COMMA to ',', E.QUOTE to '"', E.WINCRLF to char(10):char(13) ;*// CSV is usually produced by a win program - so parse win crlf returnValue = oconv('','c') ;*// set RV to '' and status() function to false occurs = 1 lmx = maximum(counts(doc,E.COMMA)) ;*// <<TODO>> incomplete use of these in normalisation lmn = minimum(counts(doc,E.COMMA)) doc = change(doc,E.WINCRLF,@am) ;*// crlf to @am doc = convert(E.COMMA:char(10),@vm:@sm,doc) ;*// commas to vm // char(10) to sm (manual cell breaks alt-enter) loop while findstr E.QUOTE in doc,occurs setting a,v do docLine = raise(doc<a>) new[[DocLine]] = '' max = dcount(docLine,@am) for i = max to 1 step -1 cell = docLine<i> if cell[1] = E.QUOTE then *// make sure commas are replaced // should be an even number of quotes per cell loop while cell[1,1] # E.QUOTE and mod(count(cell,E.QUOTE),2) and i > 0 do i -= 1 cell = docLine<i>:E.COMMA:cell repeat if cell[1,1] = E.QUOTE and cell[1] = E.QUOTE then cell = cell[2,len(cell)-2] end cell = change(cell,str(E.QUOTE,2),E.QUOTE) end if len(new[[DocLine]]) then ins cell before new[[DocLine]]<1> end else *// deal with inserting '' into empty array. if i = max-1 and cell = '' then new[[DocLine]] = @am else new[[DocLine]] = cell end next i occurs += count(new[[DocLine]],E.QUOTE) doc<a> = lower(new[[DocLine]]) repeat if opts = 'N' then ;*// do mv normalisation max = dcount(doc,@am) newDoc = raise(doc<1>) if count(newDoc,@am) < lmx then newDoc<lmx+1> = '' for i = 2 to max newDoc = splice(newDoc,char(222),raise(doc<i>)) next i doc = convert(char(222),@vm,newDoc) end opts = err returnVal = doc return(returnVal) end
See Also
Web page devoted to CSV processing: CSV
Tags: excel google docs openoffice calc csv comma-delimited tab-delimited spreadsheet worksheet