This utility attempts to combine the functionality of the "LIST.ITEM", "SEARCH", "COUNT" command and "SELECT" commans. It has been developed and enhanced for a 7 years now and is an invaluable aid to day to day development and system administration tasks in a Universe environment. Any bugs can be reported to me at kenf490713@yahoo.com.au. There is a preamble that gives users an idea of the functions available, as well as a '-HELP' option. Compile and catalog the code and at TCL enter: KLIST -H to see what options are available. The lastest (5th December, 2014) version is the last before I retire. It has the following extra functions added to it: 1. Use of '...' in file, record and string masks. 2. Use of PERL regular expressions (requires REGEXP UVBasic function) in string searches. 3. Expansion of values in fields and subvalues in values on a global and individual field/value basis. 4. Conversion of internal dates to external format on a global and individual field/value/subvalue basis. 5. Display of specific fields only 6. Prompts for missing command line parameters (UVAccount, File, Record masks)
The code:
* -*- mode:unibasic -*- ******************************************************************************** * Programme - KLIST * * Version 4.0 * * Author - Ken Ford Date - 7th March, 2008 * * Description - * This programme lists selected records or optionally fields withing records * optionally expanding selected values and subvalues and optionally converting * potential internal dates. Records can be selected by record mask within file * mask, optionally within Universe account. A string mask can be used to narrow * down which records to list, and matching fields only within a record can be * listed. Universe Retrieve phrases can be used in place of record masks as well. * Also, a record count or keys only can be listed. * This programme optionally combines the functionality of the following * Universe commands: * SELECT * COUNT * LIST.ITEM * SEARCH * ED * COMO * GET.LIST * * Modifications - * 16/3/08 Added '-V' option. * 26/3/08 Added '-M' option * 27/3/08 Changed '-Q' option to consider Q-pointer references only if * F-pointer reference returns no record VOC item file ID. * 28/3/08 Use '-M' option with string-mask to print * only lines containing a match. Enable placing of options either * before or after masking arguments. * 17/4/08 Default file selection to F-pointer references, considering Q-pointer * references only if no F-pointer match/es; force consideration of * pointer references if '-Q' present; limit to F-pointer references * if '-F' present. * 3/7/08 Allow REC.RESPONSE to be the name of a &SAVEDLIST& record of keys. * 12/12/08 Added '-Dn[,n]' option to convert dates to external format. * 24/12/08 Enhanced '-V' option so that if ',S' is appended, sub-values are * also expanded. * 20/5/09 Enabled running on active select list if file is in current account * 8/12/09 Introduced '-COMO' command line option to capture output in a COMO * file 'KLIST.COMO' * 25/5/11 Restructured code; fixed bug in string matching; new argument '-nn' * to limit no. of records to list. * 2/6/14 New option '-NO.ERR' to supress error messages. * 27/11/14 New option '-F' or '-A' to print specific fields/attributes; * Revised option '-V[,S]' to enable expanding values in specific * fields and subvalues in specific values; * Revised option '-D' to enable specifying fields, values and subvalues * for potential date conversion; * Prevented listing of empty values and subvalues where appropriate; * New option '-RE' to enable search string in PERL RE form * ******************************************************************************** * PROMPT '' PRINT '[KLIST v4.1 5/12/2014]' DEFFUN REGEXP(STRING.OBJ,RE) ;* Define UVBasic function IF INDEX(@SENTENCE,'-DEBUG',1) THEN DEBUG.ON = @TRUE ELSE DEBUG.ON = @FALSE * GOSUB INITIALISATION * GOSUB GET.OPTIONS * ACCOUNT.CNT = DCOUNT(ACCOUNT,@FM) FOR I = 1 TO ACCOUNT.CNT GOSUB PROCESS.UV.ACCOUNT ; * Process Universe Account NEXT I * GOSUB FINALISATION * STOP * *================================================================================ * PROCESS.UV.ACCOUNT: * * Processing of all (or default) Universe account/s instances. * CMD = '' EXPR = '' IF PAUSE THEN PRINTLINE = 'Account: ':ACCOUNT<I>'30L':' <Enter>(=Continue)[[/END]](=Stop) : ' GOSUB PRINT.LINE INPUT RESPONSE IF RESPONSE = 'END' THEN STOP END *---- Check that Universe account exists. UV.ACCOUNT = RAISE(TRANS('UV.ACCOUNT',ACCOUNT<I>,-1,'X')) EXEC 'SH -c "ls -d ':UV.ACCOUNT<11>:'"' CAPTURING OUTPUT IF INDEX(OUTPUT,'does not exist',1) THEN PRINT 'Universe Account ':ACCOUNT<I>:' does not exist' RETURN END HUSH ON EXEC 'SET.FILE ':ACCOUNT<I>:' VOC ':VOC.PTR CAPTURING OUTPUT HUSH OFF IF DICT.FILE THEN FILE.RESPONSE = FIELD(FILE.RESPONSE,' ',2) IF FILE.RESPONSE = '_' THEN FILE.RESPONSE = '' ; *@@@@#KF-081006 END DICT = '' *---- Determine which files to consider within the Universe account. BEGIN CASE CASE FILE.RESPONSE = 'A' OR FILE.RESPONSE = 'ALL' OR FILE.RESPONSE = '' IF FPTR.ONLY THEN EXPR = ' WITH F1 LIKE F...' ELSE IF QPTR.ONLY THEN EXPR = ' WITH F1 LIKE Q...' ELSE EXPR = ' WITH F1 LIKE F... OR WITH F1 LIKE Q...' END END CMD = 'SELECT ':VOC.PTR:EXPR HUSH ON EXEC CMD CAPTURING OUTPUT HUSH OFF CASE TRANS(VOC.PTR,FILE.RESPONSE,0,'X') PTR.TYPE = TRANS(VOC.PTR,FILE.RESPONSE,1,'X')[1,1] IF PTR.TYPE MATCHES 'F':@VM:'Q' THEN IF QPTR.ONLY THEN IF (PTR.TYPE = 'Q') THEN FILE = FILE.RESPONSE END ELSE FILE = '' END IF FPTR.ONLY THEN IF (PTR.TYPE = 'F') THEN FILE = FILE.RESPONSE END ELSE FILE = '' END FILE = FILE.RESPONSE END ELSE PRINT "'":FILE.RESPONSE:"' is not a file or file pointer" RETURN END CASE 1 IF INDEX(FILE.RESPONSE,'...',1) THEN CMD = 'SELECT ':VOC.PTR:' LIKE ':FILE.RESPONSE END ELSE CMD = 'SELECT ':VOC.PTR:' = "':FILE.RESPONSE:'"' END IF FPTR.ONLY THEN EXPR = 'SELECT ':VOC.PTR:' WITH F1 LIKE F...' ELSE IF QPTR.ONLY THEN EXPR = 'SELECT ':VOC.PTR:' WITH F1 LIKE Q...' ELSE EXPR = 'SELECT ':VOC.PTR:' WITH F1 LIKE F... OR WITH F1 LIKE Q...' END END CMD = EXPR:@FM:CMD HUSH ON EXEC CMD CAPTURING OUTPUT HUSH OFF END CASE IF CMD THEN FILE = '' LOOP WHILE READNEXT ID DO FILE<-1> = ID REPEAT END FILE.CNT = DCOUNT(FILE,@FM) IF FILE.CNT = 0 THEN PRINTLINE = 'No File matches file-mask "':FILE.RESPONSE:'" in Account ':ACCOUNT<I> GOSUB PRINT.LINE END SAVE.LIST = 1 * FOR J = 1 TO FILE.CNT GOSUB PROCESS.FILE.IN.ACCOUNT ; * Process File within Account NEXT J * RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PROCESS.FILE.IN.ACCOUNT: * * Processing of all selected file instances within a Universe account * *---- Filter out object code files. IF FIELD(FILE<J>,'.',DCOUNT(FILE<J>,'.')) = 'O' THEN RETURN EXEC 'SET.FILE ':ACCOUNT<I>:' ':FILE<J>:' ':FILE.PTR CAPTURING OUTPUT IF DICT.FILE THEN DICT = 'DICT ' END ELSE DICT = '' END FILE.HDR.PRINTED = 0 OPEN FILE.PTR TO FILE.FV ELSE IF NOT(NO.ERROR) THEN PRINT 'Could not access file ':FILE<J>:' in Account ':ACCOUNT<I> HUSH ON EXEC 'DELETE VOC ':FILE.PTR HUSH OFF RETURN END IF FILEINFO(FILE.FV,3) = 4 THEN IF LEN(DICT) THEN RETURN DIR.FILE = 1 END ELSE DIR.FILE = 0 END CLOSE FILE.FV IF TRANS(VOC.PTR,FILE<J>,1,'X')[1,1] = 'Q' THEN QPTR = 1 ELSE QPTR = 0 RECORD = '' RECORD.SAVED = '' CMD = '' * --- Determine which records to consider within a file in a Universe account. IF SAMPLE THEN SAMPLE = 'SAMPLE ':SAMPLE ELSE SAMPLE = '' BEGIN CASE CASE REC.RESPONSE = 'A' OR REC.RESPONSE = 'ALL' OR REC.RESPONSE = '' OR REC.RESPONSE = '...' IF SORT.KEYS THEN CMD = 'SSELECT ':DICT:FILE.PTR ELSE CMD = 'SELECT ':DICT:FILE.PTR CASE NOT(INDEX(REC.RESPONSE,'[',1)) AND NOT(INDEX(REC.RESPONSE,']',1)) AND NOT(INDEX(REC.RESPONSE,'...',1)) AND TRANS(DICT:FILE.PTR,REC.RESPONSE,0,'X') CMD = 'SELECT ':DICT:FILE.PTR:' "':REC.RESPONSE:'"' CASE FIELD(REC.RESPONSE,' ',1) MATCHES 'WITH':@VM:'LIKE' STRING.RESPONSE = REC.RESPONSE REC.RESPONSE = '...' CMD = 'SELECT ':DICT:FILE.PTR:' LIKE "':REC.RESPONSE:'"' CASE 1 IF NOT(RECORD.LIST) THEN IF NOT(TRANS('&SAVEDLISTS&',REC.RESPONSE,0,'X')) THEN IF SORT.KEYS THEN CMD = 'SSELECT ':DICT:FILE.PTR:' LIKE "':REC.RESPONSE:'"' ELSE CMD = 'SELECT ':DICT:FILE.PTR:' LIKE "':REC.RESPONSE:'"' END ELSE RECORD.LIST = 1 CMD = 'GET.LIST ':REC.RESPONSE END END ELSE CMD = 'GET.LIST ':LIST.NAME END END CASE IF STRING.RESPONSE AND NOT(RE.MATCHING) THEN BEGIN CASE CASE FIELD(STRING.RESPONSE,' ',1) = 'WITH' CMD := ' AND ':STRING.RESPONSE CASE FIELD(STRING.RESPONSE,' ',1) = 'LIKE' CMD := ' AND WITH EVAL "@RECORD" ':STRING.RESPONSE CASE NOT(INDEX(STRING.RESPONSE,'...',1)) IF STRING.RESPONSE MATCHES '...[...':@VM:'...]...' THEN CMD := ' WITH EVAL "@RECORD" = "':STRING.RESPONSE:'"' STRING.RESPONSE = TRIM(TRIM(STRING.RESPONSE,'[','L'),']','T') END ELSE CMD := ' WITH EVAL "@RECORD" = "[':STRING.RESPONSE:']"' END CASE INDEX(STRING.RESPONSE,'...',1) CMD := ' WITH EVAL "@RECORD" LIKE ':STRING.RESPONSE END CASE END CMD := ' ':SAMPLE EXEC CMD CAPTURING OUTPUT IF NOT(OUTPUT MATCHES "...record(s)...selected...to...") AND NOT(NO.ERROR) THEN PRINT 'Error selecting records from file ':FILE<J>:' : ' FOR OUTPUT.INX = 1 TO DCOUNT(OUTPUT,@FM) IF OUTPUT<OUTPUT.INX> ELSE CONTINUE PRINT OUTPUT<OUTPUT.INX> NEXT OUTPUT.INX END K.MAX = @SELECTED IF COUNT.RECS THEN PRINTLINE = "Records matching record-mask and/or string-mask in file ":DICT:FILE<J>:" : ":K.MAX GOSUB PRINT.LINE RETURN END IF @SELECTED > 0 THEN RECS.PRINTED = 0 IF K.MAX > 10 THEN WARN.USER = 1 ELSE WARN.USER = 0 *---------- Process Records in File within Account FOR K = 1 TO K.MAX READNEXT ID ELSE EXIT RECORD<-1> = ID *------------- Process records in groups of 10 to save waiting time. IF NOT(MOD(K,10)) THEN GOSUB LIST.RECORD.GROUP ; * List records within file within account. RECORD = '' END NEXT K IF LEN(RECORD) THEN GOSUB LIST.RECORD.GROUP END PRINT '' PRINTLINE = 'Records listed in file ':DICT:FILE<J>:' : ':K.MAX GOSUB PRINT.LINE IF LIST.NAME THEN EXEC 'DELETE.LIST ':LIST.NAME END * RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LIST.RECORD.GROUP: * * Processing a group of 10 or fewer records within a file within a Universe account * RECORD.CNT = DCOUNT(RECORD,@FM) IF RECORD.CNT = 0 THEN PRINTLINE = "No Record matches record-mask and/or string-mask in a/c ":ACCOUNT<I> GOSUB PRINT.LINE END LAST.SAVEDLIST = '' IF KEYS.ONLY THEN OUTPUT = RECORD RECORD.CNT = 1 END FOR L = 1 TO RECORD.CNT GOSUB LIST.RECORD NEXT L RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LIST.RECORD: * * Listing a record within a file within a Universe account. * IF NOT(FILE.HDR.PRINTED) THEN IF QPTR THEN QPTR = '(Q-pointer)' ELSE QPTR = '' PRINTLINE = '' GOSUB PRINT.LINE PRINTLINE = 'Account: ':ACCOUNT<I>:' - File: ':DICT:FILE<J>:' ':QPTR GOSUB PRINT.LINE IF KEYS.ONLY THEN PRINTLINE = '' GOSUB PRINT.LINE END LAST.SAVEDLIST = ACCOUNT<I>:@FM:DICT:FILE<J> FILE.HDR.PRINTED = 1 END REC.HDR.PRINTED = @FALSE IF NOT(KEYS.ONLY) THEN RECORD.PTR = RECORD<L> CMD = 'LIST.ITEM ':DICT:FILE.PTR:' "':RECORD.PTR:'" NOPAGE COL.HDR.SUPP' IF COMO AND COMO.ON THEN COMO.ON = @FALSE HUSH ON EXEC 'COMO OFF' EXEC 'SH -c "cat \&COMO\&[[/KLIST]].PART.COMO >> \&COMO\&[[/KLIST]].COMO"' EXEC 'DELETE &COMO& KLIST.PART.COMO' HUSH OFF END EXEC CMD CAPTURING OUTPUT IF COMO THEN COMO.ON = @TRUE HUSH ON EXEC 'COMO ON KLIST.PART.COMO' HUSH OFF END IF (STRING.RESPONSE = '') THEN OUTPUT = OUTPUT[INDEX(OUTPUT,DICT:FILE.PTR,1),99999] OUTPUT = CHANGE(OUTPUT,DICT:FILE.PTR,DICT:FILE<J>,-1) END ELSE IF RE.MATCHING THEN *------------- Check for a match on a PERL regular expression within the record. STRING.OBJ = CHANGE(FIELD(OUTPUT,@FM,2,999),@FM,'') IF LEN(STRING.OBJ) < 257 THEN IF RE[1,1] MATCHES "'":@VM:'"' THEN RE = RE[2,LEN(RE)-2] END RESPONSE = REGEXP(STRING.OBJ,RE) IF TEST THEN PRINT RESPONSE<1> PRINT RESPONSE<2> END IF NOT(RESPONSE<1>) THEN RETURN END END END RECORD.SAVED := @FM:RECORD<L> END LINE.CNT = DCOUNT(OUTPUT,@FM) IF DICT.FILE AND OUTPUT<5> = '001 I' THEN I.TYPE = @TRUE ELSE I.TYPE = @FALSE FOR M = 1 TO LINE.CNT IF I.TYPE AND M > 13 THEN RETURN GOSUB PROCESS.LINE ;* Process each line in the record listing output. NEXT M * RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PROCESS.LINE: * * Processing a line within listing of a record within a file within a Universe account. * IF KEYS.ONLY THEN RECORD.PTR = OUTPUT<M> PRINTLINE = OUTPUT<M> GOSUB PRINT.LINE END ELSE IF OUTPUT<M> = '' THEN RETURN LINE.IN.SCREEN.OUTPUT = MOD(M,@CRTHIGH) IF LINE.IN.SCREEN.OUTPUT = 1 THEN RETURN IF INDEX(OUTPUT<M>,'LIST.ITEM ',1) THEN RETURN IF INDEX(OUTPUT<M-1>:OUTPUT<M>,' PAGE ',1) THEN RETURN IF TRIM(OUTPUT<M>) = RECORD.PTR THEN REC.HDR = 'Record: ':OUTPUT<M> RETURN END *------- Check for a match within the current output line on either a specified string, * or if supplied, a PERL regulare expression. IF NOT(FULL.ITEM) THEN IF RE.MATCHING THEN IF NOT(REGEXP(OUTPUT<M>,RE)<1>) THEN RETURN END ELSE IF LEN(STRING.RESPONSE) THEN IF NOT(OUTPUT<M> MATCHES '...':STRING.RESPONSE:'...') THEN RETURN END END END *------- Combine split lines in output from LIST.ITEM N = 1 LOOP WHILE NOT((M+N) > LINE.CNT) DO IF OUTPUT<M+N>[1,4] = ' ' THEN OUTPUT<M> := TRIM(OUTPUT<M+N>) N += 1 END ELSE EXIT REPEAT LINE = OUTPUT<M> M += (N-1) OUTPUT.FIELD.NO = TRIM(FIELD(LINE,' ',1),'0','L') LINE = LINE[5,999] *------- Check whether field is to be printed or not. PRINT.FIELD = @FALSE IF LEN(FIELDS) THEN RECORD.POS = 0 LOCATE(OUTPUT.FIELD.NO, FIELDS; RECORD.POS) THEN PRINT.FIELD = @TRUE END END ELSE PRINT.FIELD = @TRUE END IF PRINT.FIELD THEN IF NOT(REC.HDR.PRINTED) THEN REC.HDR.PRINTED = @TRUE PRINTLINE = '' GOSUB PRINT.LINE PRINTLINE = REC.HDR GOSUB PRINT.LINE RECS.PRINTED += 1 END IF DATE.CONV THEN *------------- Check each subvalue within each value within the current output line. CONVERSIONS = @FALSE MV.MAX = DCOUNT(LINE<1>,@VM) IF MV.MAX = 0 THEN TRY.DATE = LINE<1> IF LEN(TRY.DATE) THEN GOSUB TRY.CONVERTING END ELSE FOR MV.INX = 1 TO MV.MAX THIS.VAL = LINE<1,MV.INX> SV.MAX = DCOUNT(THIS.VAL<1,1>,@SM) IF SV.MAX = 0 THEN TRY.DATE = THIS.VAL IF LEN(TRY.DATE) THEN GOSUB TRY.CONVERTING END ELSE FOR SV.INX = 1 TO SV.MAX TRY.DATE = THIS.VAL<1,1,SV.INX> IF LEN(TRY.DATE) THEN GOSUB TRY.CONVERTING NEXT SV.INX END NEXT MV.INX END IF CONVERSIONS THEN OUTPUT<M> = OUTPUT<M>[1,4]:LINE END * IF LEN(EXP.MVS) AND (INDEX(LINE,@VM,1) OR INDEX(LINE,@SM,1)) THEN *------------- Field is multivalued, so check whether expansion of values is required or not. EXPAND.MV = @FALSE MV.FIELD.POS = 0 LOCATE(OUTPUT.FIELD.NO, EXP.MVS; MV.FIELD.POS) THEN EXPAND.MV = @TRUE END ELSE IF EXP.MVS<1> = 0 THEN EXPAND.MV = @TRUE MV.FIELD.POS = 1 END END IF EXPAND.MV THEN GOSUB EXPAND.MVS END ELSE IF LEN(LINE) > 0 THEN PRINTLINE = OUTPUT.FIELD.NO"R%3":' ':LINE GOSUB PRINT.LINE END END END ELSE IF LEN(LINE) > 0 THEN PRINTLINE = OUTPUT.FIELD.NO"R%3":' ':LINE GOSUB PRINT.LINE END END END ELSE PRINT.FIELD = @FALSE END * RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TRY.CONVERTING: * * If the value in the field looks like an internal date and if it is, convert it. * IF NUM(TRY.DATE) THEN IF INT(TRY.DATE) AND (TRY.DATE > 9999) AND (TRY.DATE < 20000) THEN *---------- See if this date is to be date-converted FOR CONV.INX = 1 TO CONV.SPECIFIERS IF (CONV.FIELDS<CONV.INX> = 0) OR (CONV.FIELDS<CONV.INX> = OUTPUT.FIELD.NO) THEN IF (CONV.MVS<CONV.INX> = 0) OR (CONV.MVS<CONV.INX> = MV.INX) THEN IF (CONV.SVS<CONV.INX> = 0) OR (CONV.SVS<CONV.INX> = SV.INX) THEN EXT.DATE = OCONV(TRY.DATE,'D4') IF ICONV(EXT.DATE,'D4') = TRY.DATE THEN LINE<1,MV.INX,SV.INX> = EXT.DATE CONVERSIONS = @TRUE END END END END NEXT CONV.INX END END * RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * EXPAND.MVS: * * Expand multivalues in a field in a record in a file within a Universe account * MV.MIN = 1 MV.MAX = DCOUNT(LINE,@VM) FOR MV.INX = MV.MIN TO MV.MAX IF (MV.MAX > 1 OR INDEX(LINE,@SM,1)) AND MV.INX = 1 THEN ; * Allow for sub-valued single multivalue field. PRINTLINE = OUTPUT.FIELD.NO"R%3":' Multivalues:' GOSUB PRINT.LINE END CURRENT.MV = LINE<1,MV.INX> IF LEN(EXP.SVS) AND INDEX(CURRENT.MV,@SM,1) THEN *---------- Value contains subvalues, so check whether expansion of subvalues is required or not. EXPAND.SV = @FALSE SV.VALUE.POS = 0 LOCATE(MV.INX, EXP.SVS<MV.FIELD.POS>; SV.VALUE.POS) THEN EXPAND.SV = @TRUE END ELSE IF EXP.SVS<MV.FIELD.POS> = 0 THEN EXPAND.SV = @TRUE SV.VALUE.POS = 1 END END IF EXPAND.SV THEN SV.MIN = 1 SV.MAX = DCOUNT(CURRENT.MV,@SM) FOR SV.INX = SV.MIN TO SV.MAX IF SV.MAX > 1 AND SV.INX = 1 THEN PRINTLINE = SPACES(4):MV.INX"3R%3":' Subvalues:' GOSUB PRINT.LINE END CURRENT.SV = CURRENT.MV<1,1,SV.INX> IF LEN(CURRENT.SV) THEN PRINTLINE = SPACES(8):SV.INX"3R%3":' ':CURRENT.SV GOSUB PRINT.LINE END NEXT SV.INX END ELSE IF LEN(CURRENT.MV) THEN PRINTLINE = SPACES(4):MV.INX"3R%3":' ':CURRENT.MV GOSUB PRINT.LINE END END END ELSE IF LEN(CURRENT.MV) THEN PRINTLINE = SPACES(4):MV.INX"3R%3":' ':CURRENT.MV GOSUB PRINT.LINE END END NEXT MV.INX RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PRINT.LINE: * * Print a line of output * IF COMO AND NOT(COMO.ON) THEN COMO.ON = @TRUE HUSH ON EXEC 'COMO ON KLIST.PART.COMO' HUSH OFF END IF (LINES.PRINTED > (@CRTHIGH-3)) AND NOT(NOSTOP) THEN PRINT PRINT 'Continue? Y(es)=default[[/N]](oStop)[[/Q]](uit)[[/END]] ... : ': INPUT RESPONSE BEGIN CASE CASE UPCASE(RESPONSE) = 'END' OR UPCASE(RESPONSE) = 'Q' PRINT STOP CASE UPCASE(RESPONSE) = 'N' NOSTOP = 1 IF WARN.USER THEN PRINT 'There are ':(K.MAX-RECS.PRINTED):' more records to go. List them ALL? (Y[[/N]]=default) : ': INPUT RESPONSE IF UPCASE(RESPONSE)[1,1] # 'Y' THEN NOSTOP = 0 END CASE 1 NULL END CASE PRINT 'Account: ':ACCOUNT<I>:' - File: ':DICT:FILE<J>:' ':QPTR:' - Record: ':RECORD.PTR:' (continued ... )' PRINT LINES.PRINTED = 2 END PRINT PRINTLINE LINES.PRINTED += 1 RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * INITIALISATION: * IF INDEX(@SENTENCE,'-H',1) THEN PRINT 'KLIST [<A/c-mask>] [<File-mask> <Record-mask>] [<String-mask>][<Options>]' PRINT 'Options - ' PRINT " -An or -Fn List Attribute[[/Field]] 'n' only. Note: Multiple fields can be" PRINT ' specified delimited by ";"' PRINT ' -C[OUNT] Count of records in a file' PRINT " -D[f][,[v][,[s]]]" PRINT " Convert date/s in attributes/fields, values and subvalues." PRINT ' Note: A optional field no., optional value no., and an' PRINT ' optional subvalue no. can be included with a comma delimiter.' PRINT " Multiple 'D,,' instances are permitted, delimited by ';'" PRINT ' -E[D] Execute Line Editor using items selected from last used file' PRINT ' Note: Last selection is in saved list KLIST.<Unix-login-id>' PRINT ' -K[EYS] Keys to records only are listed.' PRINT ' -M[ATCHES] Matching lines only in records selected are listed.' PRINT ' -N[OSTOP] Eliminate Header and End-of-Screen pause.' PRINT ' -RE List only lines in records matching a PERL Regular Expression.' PRINT ' -S[ORT] Sort by record ID' PRINT ' -V[f][,S[v]] Expand Values in attributes/fields (and optionally Subvalues' PRINT ' in values)' PRINT " Note: A Field[[/Attribute]] no. can follow 'V' to limit expansions." PRINT " A Value no. can follow 'S' to limit expansions." PRINT " Multiple 'V,S' instances are permitted delimited by ';'." PRINT '' PRINT 'Press <Enter> to continue ...': INPUT RESPONSE PRINT " -n List a sample of 'n' records only." PRINT '' PRINT 'Less commonly used Options -' PRINT ' -COMO Capture output to KLIST.COMO command output file' PRINT ' -F[PTRS] Include only files referenced by F-pointers' PRINT ' -NO.ERR Eliminate messages about file access restrictions' PRINT ' -P[AUSE] Pause at each A/c header' PRINT ' -Q[PTRS] Include only files referenced by Q-pointers' PRINT '' PRINT 'Note: A command line mask item containing one or more spaces requires' PRINT " the whole mask item to be quoted. " PRINT " E.g. 'WITH EVAL ":'"@RECORD<48,1>"':' # ""':"'" PRINT ' Dictionary item names can be used in field listing expressions.' PRINT " Either '[' and/or ']' masks OR '...' masks can be used." PRINT '' PRINT " A/c-mask 'A'|'' = All Accounts / Default = Current Account" PRINT " File-mask '' = All files in an Account / '[',']' and '...' allowed" PRINT " Record-mask ''|null = All records in file in Account / 'WITH' clause allowed" PRINT " String-mask '[',']' and '...' allowed / 'WITH' clause allowed / PERL Regular" PRINT " Expression[[/Record]]-selection-phrase based on field content" PRINT '' PRINT 'Press <Enter> to continue ...': INPUT RESPONSE PRINT ' Examples :' PRINT " KLIST FMC.CON... ...FTRIG... -N -V,S -COMO" PRINT " Captures in KLIST.COMO a list of all records with keys containing 'FTRIG'" PRINT " in all files with names containing 'FMC.CON' in the current Account, with" PRINT " expansion of all values and subvalues in multivalued fields" PRINT " KLIST FMC.TEST DICT APP.INDEX -N -K -S" PRINT " List keys only in sorted order in the dictionary of file APP.INDEX in the" PRINT " Account FMC.TEST." PRINT " KLIST TRAN ...S9... -A17 -V,S -N -5" PRINT " List 5 samples of records with keys containing 'S9' in the TRAN file, " PRINT " displaying Attribute 17 only, expanding all values and subvalues" PRINT " KLIST VOC LOGIN '(kford)' -RE" PRINT " List lines in the 'LOGIN' record in the 'VOC' file in the current Account" PRINT " that match the PERL regular expression string mask." PRINT " KLIST TRAN ...S9... -V,S -N -2 -D17,2,1" PRINT " List 2 samples of records with keys containing 'S9' in the TRAN file, " PRINT " displaying all fields, expanding all values and subvalues, and converting" PRINT " the date (if it is one) in field/attribute 17, value 2, subvalue 1." STOP END IF TRANS('VOC','UV.ACCOUNT',0,'X') = '' THEN HUSH ON DATA 'Q' DATA 'UV' DATA 'UV.ACCOUNT' DATA '' DATA 'FI' EXEC 'ED VOC UV.ACCOUNT' HUSH OFF END AC.RESPONSE = '' ACCOUNT = '' ARG = '' ARGS = '' CMD.LINE = CHANGE(@SENTENCE,' ',@FM) COMO = @FALSE COMO.ON = @FALSE COUNT.RECS = 0 DATE.CONV = 0 DICT.FILE = 0 EDIT.LIST = 0 ELT.CNT = 0 EXP.MVS = '' EXP.SVS = '' EXPECT.RE = @FALSE FIELDS = '' FILE = '' FILE.PTR = 'KLIST.FILE' FILE.RESPONSE = '' FPTR.ONLY = 0 FULL.ITEM = 1 ITEM = 1 KEYS.ONLY = 0 LAST.SAVEDLIST = '' LEFTOVERS = '' LINE = '' LINES.PER.PAGE = @CRTHIGH LINES.PRINTED = 0 LIST.NAME = '' NO.ERROR = @FALSE NOSTOP = 0 PAUSE = 0 QPTR.ONLY = 0 RE = '' RE.MATCHING = @FALSE REC.HDR = '' REC.HDR.PRINTED = @FALSE REC.RESPONSE = '' RECORD = '' RECORD.LIST = 0 RECORD.SAVED = '' RECS.PRINTED = 0 SAMPLE = 0 SAVE.LIST = 0 SORT.KEYS = 0 SPECIFIC.FIELDS = '' STRING.RESPONSE = '' SVAL.POS = 0 TEST = 0 VAL.POS = 0 VOC.PTR = 'KLIST.VOC' WARN.USER = 0 RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GET.OPTIONS: * LOOP REMOVE ELT FROM CMD.LINE SETTING DELIM ELT.CNT += 1 IF ELT = 'RUN' OR ELT = 'RAID' THEN REMOVE ELT FROM CMD.LINE SETTING DELIM ELT.CNT += 1 CONTINUE END IF ELT[1,5] = 'KLIST' THEN CONTINUE IF NOT(ELT) THEN IF NOT(DELIM) THEN EXIT ELSE CONTINUE END *------- Parse command line options. BEGIN CASE CASE ELT[1,2] = '-A' ;* List specific attribute(s)/field(s) only FIELDS = CHANGE(ELT[3,99],';',@FM) CASE ELT[1,5] = '-COMO' ;* Capture to a command output file COMO = @TRUE HUSH ON EXEC 'DELETE &COMO& KLIST.COMO' HUSH OFF CASE ELT[1,2] = '-C' ;* Count of records in a file COUNT.RECS = 1 CASE ELT[1,2] = '-D' ;* Convert dates to external format DATE.CONV = @TRUE *---------- Create arrays of field, value and subvalue positions for data conversion * Note: '0' means convert all fields/values/subvalues; null means no conversion * * Examples: * '-D1;2,1;2,2,;3;4' * This produces 3 arrays internally, thus: * Field array - 1:@FM:2:@FM:2:@FM:3:@FM:4 * Value array - 0:@FM:1:@FM:2:@FM:0:@FM:0 * [[SubValue]] array - 0:@FM:0:@FM:0;@FM:0:@FM:0 * This is interpreted to mean: * Date convert internal dates in field 1 (all values and subvalues, if any) * internal dates in field 2, value 1 * field 2, value 2 (all subvalues, if any) * field 3 (all values and subvalues, if any) * field 4 (all values and subvalues, if any) CONV.FIELDS = '' CONV.MVS = '' CONV.SVS = '' SETS = CHANGE(ELT[3,99],';',@FM) LOOP REMOVE SUBELT FROM SETS SETTING ELT.DELIM IF LEN(SUBELT) THEN FIELD.POS = FIELD(SUBELT,',',1) IF LEN(FIELD.POS) THEN CONV.FIELDS<-1> = FIELD.POS END ELSE CONV.FIELDS<-1> = 0 END VAL.POS = FIELD(SUBELT,',',2) IF LEN(VAL.POS) THEN CONV.MVS<-1> = VAL.POS END ELSE CONV.MVS<-1> = 0 END SVAL.POS = FIELD(SUBELT,',',3) IF LEN(SVAL.POS) THEN CONV.SVS<-1> = SVAL.POS END ELSE CONV.SVS<-1> = 0 END END WHILE ELT.DELIM DO REPEAT IF NOT(LEN(CONV.FIELDS)) THEN CONV.FIELDS = 0 CONV.MVS = 0 CONV.SVS = 0 END CONV.SPECIFIERS = DCOUNT(CONV.FIELDS,@FM) CASE ELT[1,2] = '-E' ;* Edit the listed records EDIT.LIST = 1 CASE ELT[1,5] = '-FPTR' ;* List only files with 'F' pointers FPTR.ONLY = 1 CASE ELT[1,2] = '-F' ;* List specific field(s)/attribute(s) only FIELDS = CHANGE(ELT[3,99],';',@FM) CASE ELT[1,2] = '-K' ;* List only keys in a file KEYS.ONLY = 1 CASE ELT[1,2] = '-M' ;* List only lines in record that match string FULL.ITEM = 0 CASE ELT[1,7] = '-NO.ERR' ;* No errors listed NO.ERROR = @TRUE CASE ELT[1,2] = '-N' ;* No stopping after a screen of output NOSTOP = 1 EXEC 'TERM ,9999' CAPTURING OUTPUT CASE ELT[1,2] = '-P' ;* Pause on change of Universe account PAUSE = 1 CASE ELT[1,5] = '-QPTR' ;* List only files with 'Q' pointers QPTR.ONLY = 1 CASE ELT[1,3] = '-RE' ;* Search records using a PERL regular expression RE.MATCHING = @TRUE FULL.ITEM = @FALSE CASE ELT[1,2] = '-S' ;* Sort listed output by record key SORT.KEYS = 1 CASE ELT[1,2] = '-T' ;* Testing (debug) mode TEST = 1 DEBUG CASE ELT[1,2] = '-V' ;* Expand values withing fields * * '-V' specifys which field or fields are to have values and optionally * subvalues displayed' * Valid variants of the '-V' option: * '-V' means expand all multivalued fields * '-Vn' means expand multivalued field "n" only * '-V,S' means expand all multivalued fields and all subvalued * values in each field * '-Vn,S' means expand multivalued field "n" only and all subvalued * values in that field * '-Vn,Sp' means expand multivalued field "n" only and subvalues * in value "p" of the field * '-V,Sp' means expand all multivalued fields and subvalues in * value "p" of each field * '-Vn[,S[p]];q[,S[r]] ... ;[x[,S[y]]' * represents a semi-colon delimited list of specific fields * with optional value and subvalue expansion * Examples: * '-V' means expand all values in all fields. * '-V5' means expand all values in multivalued field 5 only. * '-V,S' means expand all values in all multivalued fields and * all subvalued values in each such field. * '-V5,S' means expand all values in multivalued field 5 only and * all subvalued values in that field. * '-V5,S5' means expand multivalued field 5 only and subvalues in * value 5 in that field. * '-V5,S;7;9,S;12,S4' * means expand multivalued fields 5, 7, 9 & 12, and * all subvalues in all values in fields 5 & 9, and subvalues * in value 4 if field 12. * * Note: It is valid to have multiple "-Vn" options, so the last example could be * expressed as '-V5,S -V7 -V9,S -V12,S4' * *---------- Create arrays of value and subvalue positions for expansion * Note: '0' indicates expand all values/subvalues; null indicates no expansion SETS = CHANGE(ELT[3,99],';',@FM) LOOP REMOVE SUBELT FROM SETS SETTING ELT.DELIM IF LEN(SUBELT) THEN VAL.POS = FIELD(SUBELT,',',1) IF LEN(VAL.POS) THEN EXP.MVS<-1> = VAL.POS END ELSE EXP.MVS<-1> = 0 END SVAL.POS = FIELD(SUBELT,',',2) IF LEN(SVAL.POS) THEN SVAL.POS = FIELD(SVAL.POS,'S',2) IF LEN(SVAL.POS) THEN EXP.SVS<-1> = SVAL.POS END ELSE EXP.SVS<-1> = 0 END END ELSE EXP.SVS<-1> = @FM END END ELSE EXP.MVS<-1> = 0 EXP.SVS<-1> = @FM END WHILE ELT.DELIM DO REPEAT CASE ELT[1,1] = '-' AND ELT[2,99] MATCHES "0N" ;* List a sample of 'n' records SAMPLE = ELT[2,99] CASE 1 ARGS := ELT:' ' END CASE WHILE DELIM DO REPEAT CHAR.CNT = LEN(ARGS) *---- If there is an active select list of record IDs, save it for use later. IF SYSTEM(11) THEN RECORDS = '' EOI = @FALSE LOOP READNEXT ID ELSE EOI = @TRUE WHILE NOT(EOI) DO IF NOT(LEN(ID)) THEN EXIT RECORDS<-1> = ID REPEAT IF LEN(RECORDS) THEN LIST.NAME = 'KLIST.LIST.':DATE():'.':FIELD(TIME(),'.',1) OPEN '&SAVEDLISTS&' TO SAVEDLISTS.FV THEN WRITE RECORDS ON SAVEDLISTS.FV, LIST.NAME END RECORD.LIST = 1 END END *---- Process positional arguments from command line. SELECT.EXPR = '' REGEXPR = '' ARG.CNT = 0 LOOP ARG.CNT += 1 ARG = FIELD(ARGS,' ',ARG.CNT) WHILE LEN(ARG) DO IF ARG[1,1] = '"' OR ARG[1,1] = "'" THEN ARG.DELIM = ARG[1,1] ARG = FIELD(ARGS,ARG.DELIM,2) ARG.CNT += COUNT(ARG,' ') END BEGIN CASE CASE AC.RESPONSE = '' BEGIN CASE *----------- Are all Universe Accounts to be checked? CASE ARG MATCHES 'ALL':@VM:'[]' OR ARG = '...' OR ARG = '""' OR ARG = "''" AC.RESPONSE = 'ALL' *----------- Is there a Universe A/c name mask in ARG? CASE INDEX(ARG,'...',1) OR INDEX(ARG,'[',1) OR INDEX(ARG,']',1) AC.RESPONSE = ARG * ---------- Is there a Universe A/c with its name in ARG? CASE TRANS('UV.ACCOUNT',ARG,0,'X') = ARG AC.RESPONSE = ARG *----------- Is the Universe A/c not provided and there a file dictionary specified? CASE ARG = 'DICT' AC.RESPONSE = @WHO DICT.FILE = @TRUE *----------- Is the Universe A/c not provided and there a file with its name in ARG? CASE TRANS('VOC',ARG,0,'X') = ARG AC.RESPONSE = @WHO FILE.RESPONSE = ARG CASE 1 AC.RESPONSE = '_' END CASE CASE FILE.RESPONSE = '' BEGIN CASE *----------- Are all files in the current Universe A/c to be checked? CASE ARG MATCHES 'ALL':@VM:'[]'OR ARG = '...' OR ARG = '""' OR ARG = "''" FILE.RESPONSE = 'ALL' *----------- Is there a file dictionary specified in ARG? CASE ARG = 'DICT' DICT.FILE = @TRUE *----------- Is there a file in the current Universe A/c with its name in ARG? CASE TRANS('VOC',ARG,0,'X') = ARG FILE.RESPONSE = ARG *----------- Is there a name mask for the file/s to be check in the current Universe A/c? CASE INDEX(ARG,'...',1) OR INDEX(ARG,'[',1) OR INDEX(ARG,']',1) FILE.RESPONSE = ARG CASE 1 FILE.RESPONSE = '_' END CASE CASE REC.RESPONSE = '' BEGIN CASE CASE INDEX(ARG,'...',1) OR INDEX(ARG,'[',1) OR INDEX(ARG,']',1) REC.RESPONSE = ARG CASE ARG MATCHES "'WITH":@VM:'"WITH' SELECT.EXPR = ARG CASE LEN(SELECT.EXPR) SELECT.EXPR := ARG IF ARG[LEN(ARG),1] MATCHES "'":@VM:'"' THEN REC.RESPONSE = SELECT.EXPR END CASE 1 REC.RESPONSE = ARG END CASE CASE STRING.RESPONSE = '' BEGIN CASE CASE RE.MATCHING IF LEN(REGEXPR) THEN REGEXPR := ' ':ARG IF ARG[LEN(ARG),1] MATCHES "'":@VM:'"' THEN STRING.RESPONSE = REGEXPR END END ELSE REGEXPR = ARG END CASE INDEX(ARG,'...',1) OR INDEX(ARG,'[',1) OR INDEX(ARG,']',1) STRING.RESPONSE = ARG CASE ARG MATCHES "'WITH":@VM:'"WITH' SELECT.EXPR = ARG CASE LEN(SELECT.EXPR) SELECT.EXPR := ' ':ARG IF ARG[LEN(ARG),1] MATCHES "'":@VM:'"' THEN STRING.RESPONSE = SELECT.EXPR END CASE 1 REC.RESPONSE = ARG END CASE CASE 1 LEFTOVERS = ARG END CASE REPEAT IF AC.RESPONSE = '' THEN AC.RESPONSE = '_' IF DICT.FILE THEN FILE.RESPONSE = 'DICT ':FILE.RESPONSE END IF AC.RESPONSE = '_' THEN IF NOT(LEN(FILE.RESPONSE)) THEN VALID.AC = @FALSE LOOP WHILE NOT(VALID.AC) DO PRINT 'Account(s)? A(ll)|Name-mask|A/c-name|""(=All)|':"''(=All)|Null(=Current)[[/END]] : ": INPUT AC.RESPONSE VALID.AC = @TRUE BEGIN CASE CASE AC.RESPONSE = '' AC.RESPONSE = @WHO CASE AC.RESPONSE MATCHES 'ALL':@VM:'A':@VM:'[]' OR AC.RESPONSE = '""' OR AC.RESPONSE = "''" OR AC.RESPONSE = '...' AC.RESPONSE = 'ALL' CASE TRANS('UV.ACCOUNT',AC.RESPONSE,0,'X') = AC.RESPONSE AC.RESPONSE = AC.RESPONSE CASE AC.RESPONSE = 'END' PRINT 'KLIST stopped.' STOP CASE 1 PRINT 'Invalid Account response.' VALID.AC = @FALSE END CASE REPEAT END END BEGIN CASE CASE AC.RESPONSE = 'ALL' CMD = 'SELECT UV.ACCOUNT' * HUSH ON EXEC CMD CAPTURING OUTPUT * HUSH OFF CASE INDEX(AC.RESPONSE,'...',1) OR INDEX(AC.RESPONSE,'[',1) OR INDEX(AC.RESPONSE,']',1) CMD = 'SELECT UV.ACCOUNT = "':AC.RESPONSE:'"' EXEC CMD CAPTURING OUTPUT IF INDEX(OUTPUT,@FM:'0 record',1) THEN ACCOUNT = @WHO IF TEST THEN PRINT "First argument (":AC.RESPONSE:") is not a Universe A/c - defaulting to Current A/c - ":ACCOUNT PRINT END IF AC.RESPONSE = 'DICT' THEN AC.RESPONSE := ' ':FILE.RESPONSE FILE.RESPONSE = REC.RESPONSE REC.RESPONSE = STRING.RESPONSE STRING.RESPONSE = '' END STRING.RESPONSE = REC.RESPONSE REC.RESPONSE = FILE.RESPONSE FILE.RESPONSE = AC.RESPONSE AC.RESPONSE = '' END CASE 1 ACCOUNT = AC.RESPONSE @SELECTED = 0 END CASE IF SYSTEM(11) THEN FOR I = 1 TO @SELECTED READNEXT ID ELSE EXIT ACCOUNT<-1> = ID NEXT I END IF ACCOUNT = '' THEN PRINT 'No Universe A/c matches account-mask (':AC.RESPONSE:')' STOP END IF FILE.RESPONSE # '' THEN IF FILE.RESPONSE = '_' THEN FILE.RESPONSE = '' END END ELSE PRINT 'File(s)? (A)ll(=default)/<string-expression>/<filename>[[/END]] : ': INPUT FILE.RESPONSE FILE.RESPONSE = UPCASE(FILE.RESPONSE) IF FILE.RESPONSE = 'END' THEN PRINT STOP END END IF REC.RESPONSE # '' THEN IF REC.RESPONSE = '_' THEN REC.RESPONSE = '' END END ELSE IF RECORD.LIST THEN REC.RESPONSE = LIST.NAME END ELSE IF ARG = '' AND NOT(KEYS.ONLY) THEN PRINT 'Record ID(s)? (A)ll(=default)/<string-expression>/<record-ID[[/END]] : ': INPUT REC.RESPONSE REC.RESPONSE = UPCASE(REC.RESPONSE) IF REC.RESPONSE = 'END' THEN PRINT STOP END END ELSE REC.RESPONSE = 'A' END END END IF STRING.RESPONSE # '' THEN IF STRING.RESPONSE = '_' THEN STRING.RESPONSE = '' END END RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FINALISATION: * PRINT IF TEST THEN PRINT 'Cleaning up temporary VOC items ...' HUSH ON EXEC 'DELETE VOC ':VOC.PTR HUSH OFF IF SAVE.LIST THEN K.MAX = DCOUNT(RECORD.SAVED,@FM) IF K.MAX > 1 THEN PRINT 'Saved ':K.MAX-1:' (selected) keys from last selected file (':LAST.SAVEDLIST<2>:' in a/c ':LAST.SAVEDLIST<1>:') in KLIST.':@ACCOUNT:' ...' HUSH ON EXEC 'DELETE &SAVEDLISTS& KLIST.':@ACCOUNT DATA '' FOR K = 2 TO K.MAX DATA 'I ':RECORD.SAVED<K> NEXT K DATA 'FI' EXEC 'ED &SAVEDLISTS& KLIST.':@ACCOUNT HUSH OFF IF EDIT.LIST THEN DATA 'ED ':DICT:FILE.PTR EXEC 'GET.LIST KLIST.':@ACCOUNT END END END HUSH ON EXEC 'DELETE VOC ':FILE.PTR EXEC 'TERM ,':LINES.PER.PAGE HUSH OFF CLEARSELECT IF COMO AND COMO.ON THEN COMO.ON = @FALSE HUSH ON EXEC 'COMO OFF' EXEC 'SH -c "cat \&COMO\&[[/KLIST]].PART.COMO >> \&COMO\&[[/KLIST]].COMO"' EXEC 'DELETE &COMO& KLIST.PART.COMO' HUSH OFF END * RETURN * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * END * *================================================================================