From Pickwiki
Jump to navigationJump to search* This is just some "shared" text that's appended to the string for security * purposes. It's not required as part of the MD5 scheme. X.THE.KEY="key" * X.TO.BE.HASHED="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" X.TO.BE.HASHED := X.THE.KEY * X.ERROR.FLAG=0 X.ERROR.MSG='' X.CALCULATED.HASH='' *********** X.ALGORITHM="MD5" X.DATA.LOC=1 ;** Data is in a string (2=in a file) * * This DIGEST command actually does the job of calculating the hash * A.ERROR.FLAG=DIGEST(X.ALGORITHM, X.TO.BE.HASHED, X.DATA.LOC, A.HASH.VAL) * A.HASH.VAL=OCONV(A.HASH.VAL,"[[MX0C]]") ;** convert binary string returned by DIGEST, to ascii hex string A.HASH.VAL=DOWNCASE(A.HASH.VAL) *********** CRT A.HASH.VAL CRT A.ERROR.FLAG