From Pickwiki
Jump to navigationJump to search* Will Johnson * Variables passed in, there is nothing that must be passed in, but * Optionally assign PASS.ERROR to TRUE or FALSE. * PASS.ERROR = TRUE means it is OK to assign ERROR here, but don't * display it here, just pass it back * * Variables passed out * SENTENCE is set to @SENTENCE * ERROR is set to any error generated here * C.WORD is set to the word position number of the command line * T2.VERB is set to RUN or RAID if that is the first word, otherwise * T2.VERB is set to null * T2.FILE is set to the program file that is being RUN or RAID, if that * is the first word, otherwise T2.FILE is set to null * I.AM is the verb / program with this include in it, this will be the * third word if being RUN or RAID, otherwise the first word * N.FILE is the text name of the file being acted upon * This is passed back as [DICT] filename[,mlfile] * F.FILE is the file pointer to the N.FILE * DICT.FLAG is set to TRUE if N.FILE is a DICT, otherwise FALSE * MULTI.LEVEL is set to TRUE if N.FILE is a multi-level file reference, * otherwise FALSE * DF.FILE is the file pointer to the DICT of the N.FILE, or if the * N.FILE is itself a DICT, then it points to the VOC * * SENTENCE = @SENTENCE IF NOT(ASSIGNED(PASS.ERROR)) THEN PASS.ERROR = FALSE ERROR = * C.WORD = 1 ; FIRST.WORD = FIELD(SENTENCE,' ',C.WORD) IF FIRST.WORD MATCHES "RUN":@VM:"RAID" THEN T2.VERB = FIRST.WORD C.WORD += 1 ; T2.FILE = FIELD(SENTENCE,' ',C.WORD) C.WORD += 1 ; I.AM = FIELD(SENTENCE,' ',C.WORD) END ELSE T2.VERB = "" ; T2.FILE = "" ; I.AM = FIRST.WORD C.WORD += 1 ; N.FILE = FIELD(SENTENCE,' ',C.WORD) C.FILEEND = COL2() * BEGIN CASE CASE N.FILE = "DICT" C.WORD += 1 ; N.FILE = "DICT ":FIELD(SENTENCE,' ',C.WORD) C.FILEEND = COL2() CASE N.FILE = "DATA" C.WORD += 1 ; N.FILE = "DATA ":FIELD(SENTENCE,' ',C.WORD) C.FILEEND = COL2() CASE N.FILE = PRINT "FILE: ": ; INPUT N.FILE IF N.FILE = THEN IF PASS.ERROR THEN ERROR = 'No file entered' ; GOTO TCL.II.EXIT END ELSE STOP END END CASE * * Can handle files entered as: * CUSTOMER,10-11; CUSTOMER; DICT CUSTOMER; DATA CUSTOMER * DICT.FLAG = FALSE ; MULTI.LEVEL = FALSE BEGIN CASE CASE INDEX(N.FILE,",",1) ; *MULTI-LEVEL FILE MULTI.LEVEL = TRUE N2.FILE = FIELD(N.FILE,",",2) N.FILE = FIELD(N.FILE,",",1) CASE FIELD(N.FILE," ",1) = "DICT" ; *DICT FILE DICT.FLAG = TRUE N.FILE = FIELD(N.FILE," ",2) CASE FIELD(N.FILE," ",2) = "DATA" ; *DATA THROW-AWAY N.FILE = FIELD(N.FILE," ",2) CASE 1 ; *NORMAL FILE END CASE * IF DICT.FLAG THEN OPEN "VOC" TO DF.FILE ELSE ERR = 'VOC' ; GOTO FILE.ERROR END ELSE OPEN "DICT",N.FILE TO DF.FILE ELSE ERR = 'DICT ':N.FILE ; GOTO FILE.ERROR END END IF MULTI.LEVEL THEN N.FILE = N.FILE:",":N2.FILE IF DICT.FLAG THEN N.FILE = "DICT ":N.FILE OPEN N.FILE TO F.FILE ELSE ERR = N.FILE ; GOTO FILE.ERROR * GOTO TCL.II.EXIT * FILE.ERROR: ERROR = 'Cannot open ':ERR:' file.' IF PASS.ERROR THEN GOTO TCL.II.EXIT END ELSE CRT ERROR:' Hit ENTER': ; INPUT NOTHING ; STOP * TCL.II.EXIT: