From Pickwiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchUV.EM is based upon UV.VI and can be used to edit MVDatabase records in Emacs, especially under Unix X(-windows) for extra functionality which depends upon Emacs Lisp packages uv-edit-mode and uv-tools. See the Emacs Lisp source page in this Wiki.
* $Id: UV.EM,v 1.1 2006/05/11 22:32:55 kenf Exp kenf $ ****************************************************************************** * * Invoke Emacs using uniVerse style command syntax * * Module: UV.EM * * Origin: Cloned from UV.VI by Ken Ford ([[NetTeller]] Pty Ltd) - 12th May, 2005. * * $Revision: 1.1 $ * ******************************************************************************* id = "%W%" $INCLUDE UNIVERSE.INCLUDE MACHINE.NAME temp.made = 0 titem.num = 0 select.active = 0 PERMISSIONS = '-PERMISSIONS' open 'VOC' to voc.file else call *UVPRINTMSG(1720,"") stop end command = trim(@sentence) command = convert(" ",@FM,command) if upcase(command<1>) = "RAID" OR upcase(command<1>) = "RUN" then command = delete(command,1,0,0) ; * delete command command = delete(command,1,0,0) ; * delete program file end IF DCOUNT(command,@FM) = 1 THEN ; * No command line arguments emacs.id = '' GOSUB runemacs STOP END num.args = dcount(command,@FM) - 2 file = command<2> dict = 0 write.permissions = 1 if num.args < 0 then call *UVPRINTMSG(39412,"") stop end *** read edit file item from voc read f.item from voc.file,file else if index(file,",",1) then mainfile = field(file,",",1) read f.item from voc.file,mainfile else call *UVPRINTMSG(1521,mainfile:@fm:"VOC") stop end end else call *UVPRINTMSG(1521,file:@fm:"VOC") stop end end *** is edit file a dictionary if upcase(trim(f.item<1>)[1,1]) = 'K' then if f.item<2> = 20 and dict = 0 then dict = 1 file = file:' ':command<3> num.args = num.args - 1 if num.args < 0 then call *UVPRINTMSG(39412,"") stop end end end *** open edit file open file to edit.file else call *UVPRINTMSG(1520,file) stop end *** get status information on edit file status file.info from edit.file else call *UVPRINTMSG(39413,file) stop end *** is edit file a directory if file.info<21> = 1 or file.info<21> = 19 then file.path = file.info<20> dirtype = file.info<21> end else *** check permissions on file distributed.file = 0 if file.info<21> = 27 then distributed.file = 1 end perm.mode = 1 perm.in = 6 ; * read and write permissions perm.out = '' call @PERMISSIONS(edit.file,perm.mode,perm.in,perm.out) if NOT(perm.out) then oprompt = system(26) prompt " " call *UVPRINTMSG(39419,file) abort.flag = "" input abort.flag prompt oprompt if UPCASE(abort.flag) = "Y" then goto end.program end else write.permissions = 0 end end gosub mktemp: status file.info from temp.file else call *UVPRINTMSG(39413,new.temp) goto end.program end file.path = file.info<20> dirtype = 0 end emacs.id = "" begin case case num.args = 1 and command<3+dict> = "*" select edit.file readnext f.arg else call *UVPRINTMSG(39411,file) stop end gosub process.select.list case num.args = 0 readnext f.arg else f.arg = "" if f.arg = "" then oprompt = system(26) prompt " " call *UVPRINTMSG(1082,"") input f.arg prompt oprompt gosub process.argument if emacs.id = "" then goto end.program end else gosub process.select.list end case 1 For i = 1 to num.args f.arg = command<i+2+dict> gosub process.argument next i if emacs.id = "" then goto end.program end case GOSUB runemacs *** end of program tidy up ******************************************* end.program: if temp.made then gosub get.new.data: close temp.file * execute "DELETE.FILE ":new.temp capturing output * Work around to stop temporary files being left because of DELETE.FILE being a secure verb cmd = 'rm -rf ':'EMACS.TMP00*' execute 'SH -c "':cmd:'"' capturing output execute 'DELETE VOC ':new.temp capturing output call *UVPRINTMSG(39414,new.temp) end close edit.file release stop *** subroutines follow *********************************************** runemacs: *** prepare and execute Emacs command convert @FM to " " in emacs.id * cmd = 'sh -c "echo $DISPLAY"' * cmd='sh -c "ps -fu ':@LOGNAME:' | grep -E ':"'[0-9] /.+emacsserver'":' | grep -v grep"' cmd='sh -c "ls -l /tmp/emacs* | grep -E ':'"':@LOGNAME:'"':' | grep -v grep"' EXECUTE cmd CAPTURING output emacs.id = CHANGE(emacs.id,'&','\&',-1) IF output<1> = '' THEN ; * Don't use X-windows Emacs cmd = 'sh -c "/usr/local/bin/emacs -nw -l uv-edit-mode -f uv-edit-mode' EXECUTE cmd:' ':emacs.id:'"' END ELSE ; * Running under X-windows cmd = 'sh -c "/usr/local/bin/emacsclient ':emacs.id:'"' EXECUTE cmd SLEEP 1 END RETURN * ********************************************************************** process.select.list: select.active = 1 f.end = 0 loop gosub process.argument readnext f.arg else f.end = 1 until f.end do repeat if emacs.id = "" then return to end.program return ********************************************************************** process.argument: if (dirtype ne 19) then if not(longnames) then execute 'UNIX.PATH "':f.arg:'"' capturing item.id item.id = item.id<1> end else item.id = f.arg end end else item.id = f.arg end if dirtype then readu item.data from edit.file,f.arg locked if select.active then oprompt = system(26) prompt " " call *UVPRINTMSG(039422,f.arg) abort.flag = "" input abort.flag prompt oprompt if UPCASE(abort.flag) = "Y" else return end end else call *UVPRINTMSG(39418,f.arg) end return to end.program end then item.data = "" emacs.id = emacs.id:" ":file.path:"/":item.id end else if select.active then emacs.id = emacs.id:" ":file.path:"/":item.id end else *** make it use temporary file titem.name = f.arg[1,10]: titem.num 'r%3' if not(temp.made) then gosub mktemp: if item.list then item.list = item.list:@fm:f.arg titem.list = titem.list:@fm:titem.name end else item.list = f.arg titem.list = titem.name end list.size += 1 titem.num += 1 emacs.id = emacs.id:" ":new.temp:"/":titem.name end end end else [[RecordID]].OK = 1 gosub move.to.temp if [[RecordID]].OK then emacs.id = emacs.id:" ":file.path:"/":item.id end end return ************************************************************** mktemp: mask.count = 1 item.list = "" list.size = 0 loop new.temp = "EMACS.TMP": @userno 'r%4': mask.count 'r%2' open new.temp to temp.file then close temp.file end else * execute "CREATE.BFILE DATA ":new.temp:" UV.EMACS" capturing output execute "CREATE.FILE DATA ":new.temp:" 1,1,19" capturing output if trans('VOC','CREATE.FILE',5,'X') = 'LONGNAMES' then longnames = @true end else longnames = @false end open new.temp to temp.file then temp.made = 1 end end until temp.made do mask.count += 1 if mask.count > 99 then call *UVPRINTMSG(39415,"") stop end repeat call *UVPRINTMSG(39416,new.temp) return move.to.temp: readu item.data from edit.file,f.arg locked call *UVPRINTMSG(39418,f.arg) goto end.program end else df.error = status() if df.error = 1 or df.error = 2 then if distributed.file then call *UVPRINTMSG(970013,f.arg) end else call *UVPRINTMSG(970012,f.arg) end [[RecordID]].OK = 0 end else item.data = "" end end if [[RecordID]].OK then * if dict then truncate after F10 if dict and upcase(item.data<1>[1,1]) = "I" and count(item.data, @AM) > 10 then item.data = item.data[1,index(item.data, @AM, 10)-1] end readu temp.data from temp.file,f.arg else temp.data = "" write item.data to temp.file,f.arg else call *UVPRINTMSG(39417,f.arg) goto end.program end if write.permissions then if item.list then item.list = item.list:@fm:f.arg titem.list = titem.list:@fm:f.arg end else item.list = f.arg titem.list = f.arg end list.size += 1 end else change.permissions = "SH -c 'chmod 400 ":file.path:"/":item.id:"'" execute change.permissions capturing command.output end end return get.new.data: for i = 1 to list.size f.arg = item.list<i> tf.arg = titem.list<i> read item.data from temp.file,tf.arg then write item.data to edit.file,f.arg end else readu item.data from edit.file,f.arg then delete edit.file,f.arg call *UVPRINTMSG(39420,f.arg:@fm:file) end else release edit.file,f.arg end end next i return end