From Pickwiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThe Basic program runs a perl script that actually connects to the database. The perl script sends the results to stdout, which is captured by the Basic program and parsed into a dynamic array.
SUBROUTINE UDTORA(RTN,COL.HEADING,SQL.STATEMENT,OPTIONS,ERRCODE) *************************************************************************** * Program: UDTORA * Author : MATT CARROLL * Date : * Edited : 08:29:36 Dec 06 2001 By MCGOWAN * Comment: PASS SQL STATEMENT TO ORACLE DB, RETURNS DYN. ARRAY *************************************************************************** * Date By Desc * ---------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------- * 04/11/2000 IAN Modified perl script to return error code as follows: *# Return value is *# 0 no rows selected or updated *# 1 success, first line of rtn = col headers, second = num rows selected/update *# 2 error, see first line of RTN for description * 07/31/2000 IAN Escape $ chars in sql * 04/02/2001 IAN Pass in account (sid) to perl script * 12/06/2001 IAN Convert @am to " " * RTN RETURNED TO CALLING PROGRAM. ARRAY OF DATA RETURNED FROM SQL.STATEMENT * COL.HEADING RETURNED TO CALLING PROGRAM. MULTI-VALUED LIST OF FIELD NAMES OF TABLE FROM FIRST ROW * SQL.STATEMENT A VALID SQL STATEMENT. PASSED IN. * OPTIONS TO BE ITEM COL.HEADING="" ; PERL.ERR=0 ; ERRCODE=0 SWAP "$" WITH "\$" IN SQL.STATEMENT SWAP @AM WITH " " IN SQL.STATEMENT ACCT = "" <cut stuff about accounts> IF ACCT="" THEN STOP "PLEASE ADD THIS ACCOUNT TO UDTORA" E= \!/usr/local/bin/udora.pl \:ACCT:\ "\:SQL.STATEMENT:\" ; echo $?\\ EXECUTE E CAPTURING RTN I=DCOUNT(RTN,@AM) PERL.ERR=RTN<I-1> DEL RTN<I> DEL RTN<I-1> IF PERL.ERR = 0 THEN * No rows selected/updated ERRCODE=0 * Still get col headings COL.HEADING=RTN<1> DEL RTN<1> END IF PERL.ERR = 1 THEN * Get col headings COL.HEADING=RTN<1> DEL RTN<1> * Get number of rows updated/selected ERRCODE=RTN<1> DEL RTN<1> END IF PERL.ERR = 2 THEN * There was an error ERRCODE = -1 END SWAP \@#@\ WITH @VM IN RTN RETURN
And the perl script
#!/usr/bin/perl use POSIX; use DBI; use DBI::DBD; # simple test to make sure it's okay use DBD::Oracle; $ENV{[[ORACLE_BASE]]}="/info/app/oracle"; $ENV{[[ORACLE_HOME]]}="/info/app/oracle/product/8.1.5"; $ENV{[[NLS_LANG]]}="american_america.[[WE8ISO8859P1]]"; $ENV{[[ORA_NLS33]]}="/info/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/ocommon/nls/admin/data"; $user="oracle"; $pass="xxx"; my $db_sid='trinity'; my $rtn=0; my $fld_delim = chr(253); my $crlf_delim = chr(252); if( !( $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:host=sunrise;sid=trinity',$user,$pass))) { print "Cannot connect database\n$DBI::errstr\n"; exit 2; } $statement=$ARGV[1]; $dbh->{[[LongReadLen]]}=4094; if( !( $sth = $dbh->prepare("$statement") ) ) { print "Cannot prepare statement\n$DBI::errstr\n\n"; exit 2; } if ($statement =~ /^select/i) { # Select statements return rows $rc=$sth->execute; if( ! $rc ) { print "Cannot process statement\n$DBI::errstr\n\n"; exit 2; } my $names = $sth->{NAME}; for ($i=0 ; $i <= $#$names ; $i++) { print $names->[$i]; if ($i != $#$names) {print $fld_delim;} } print "\n"; $table = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; if( $#{$table} < 0 ) { print "No rows returned\n"; exit 0; } print $#{$table}+1,"\n"; for $i ( 0 .. $#{$table} ) { for $j ( 0 .. $#{$table->[$i]} ) { $data = $table->[$i][$j]; $data =~ s/\r\n/$crlf_delim/g; print $data; if ($j != $#{$table->[$i]}) {print $fld_delim;} } {print "\n";} } } else { # It's an update or insert statement $rc=$dbh->do($statement); if ($rc eq "0E0") { print "0 rows updated\n"; exit 0; } else { print "\n$rc\n$rc rows updated\n"; #$dbh->commit; } } # Close our connection to the db $sth->finish; # Return value is # 0 no rows selected or updated # 1 success, first line of rtn = col headers, second = num rows selected/updated# 2 error, see first line of RTN for description exit 1;